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Joe Biden Has Biggest And Most Expensive White House Staff In History

Joe Biden Has Biggest And Most Expensive White House Staff In History

Title: Joe Biden’s Expensive White House Staff: A Comprehensive Analysis


When it comes to the size and cost of the White House staff, President Joe Biden has broken records. According to a recent analysis by OpenTheBooks, a non-profit organization that tracks government spending, the Biden administration has the largest and most expensive staff in the history of the United States. In this article, we will delve into the details of this report, comparing it to the staffs of former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama, and also exploring the staffing arrangements of first ladies Jill Biden and Melania Trump.

The Size and Cost of Joe Biden’s White House Staff

OpenTheBooks’ review of the White House payroll and staffing revealed some staggering numbers. During his first three years in office, President Biden spent a whopping $158.8 million on his White House staff. This figure is based on headcount and is the highest ever recorded in American history. In fiscal year 2023 alone, the staff collectively cost $52,775,234. In comparison, no previous administration had ever employed 500 staffers until President Biden took office. In FY2021, the Biden White House had 560 employees, followed by 474 in FY2022. The headcount further increased to 524 in 2023, indicating a continuous growth in staff size.

Comparison with Previous Presidents

To put these numbers into perspective, it is essential to compare them to the staffing levels of former Presidents Trump and Obama. At this point in his presidency, President Trump had a staff that was 108 employees smaller than President Biden’s. Similarly, President Obama had 70 fewer staffers at this stage. These comparisons highlight the significant growth in the size of the White House staff under President Biden.

First Lady Jill Biden’s Staff

The First Lady’s office is an integral part of the White House, supporting and assisting the First Lady in various capacities. In recent years, the staffing arrangements for the First Lady have come under scrutiny. OpenTheBooks’ report sheds light on the number of staffers serving First Lady Jill Biden. In 2023, the report identified a total of 20 staffers working for her, while in FY2022, there were eight. This increase in staffing raises questions about the specific roles and responsibilities assigned to the First Lady’s office.

Comparison with Melania Trump’s Staff

To gain a broader understanding, it is crucial to compare Jill Biden’s staff numbers with those of former First Lady Melania Trump. OpenTheBooks’ report reveals that Melania Trump’s staff varied between five and 12 throughout her husband’s term. This difference in staffing levels between the two first ladies further emphasizes the growth in Biden’s administration.

Possible Duties of First Lady Staff

In search of clarity regarding the roles and responsibilities assigned to the First Lady’s staff, OpenTheBooks reached out to the White House for comment. It remains unclear if there are additional duties performed by the First Lady’s staff that are not covered in the report. However, it is important to note that the report did not identify any specific titles for the First Lady’s staff, leaving room for speculation about their exact functions.


President Joe Biden’s White House staff is not only the largest but also the most expensive in history. The significant growth in both staff size and cost raises questions about the necessity and efficiency of such a massive workforce. Moreover, the staffing arrangements of First Lady Jill Biden have also come under scrutiny due to the notable increase in her office’s size compared to her predecessor. As the Biden administration moves forward, it is crucial to evaluate the allocation of resources and ensure transparency in the expenditures related to staffing the White House and supporting the First Lady’s duties.

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