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Jim Jordan Exposes The Dem Playbook

Jim Jordan Exposes The Dem Playbook

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Maria Bartiromo asked Jordan if they identified any decisions Biden made as vice president that could justify the payments received. To this, Jordan highlighted the well-known case of the firing of Ukraine’s prosecutor, Mr. Shokin, which caused controversy during Biden’s time as vice president.

Ironically, Jordan noted, Democrats, who once accused former President Trump of similar accusations, are now in hot water over their own dealings with Ukraine. Jordan suggested that Democrats have a pattern of blaming others for transgressions in which they are involved. This sentiment echoes the controversial statement, “They’re trying to accuse you of what they’re actually involved in.”

Meanwhile, Jordan confirmed that his team is reviewing all key facts from the 2019 impeachment inquiry to shed more light on those concerns.

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In addition, the interview discussed the possible relocation of the FBI headquarters from Washington. Jordan expressed support for the initiative, suggesting Huntsville, Alabama, home to 20 of the FBI’s 30 divisions, as a suitable alternative. However, Jordan was firm in his position against building a new headquarters in the Washington DC area.

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