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Jen Psaki admits she can “completely relate” to Democrats who want to ban Fox News

Jen Psaki admits she can “completely relate” to Democrats who want to ban Fox News

Jen Psaki, the truth-challenged former press secretary and future host of the raging left-wing propaganda factory MSNBC, slammed Fox News in an appearance at South by Southwest (SXSW).

“The question I ask you then, as a former White House press secretary and now as a host on MSNBC, is should we refer to FOX as a news network?” Left-leaning New York Times writer Wajahat Ali asked. “And if so, why do we give them legitimacy?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “Probably not. We shouldn’t call them a news network.”

“Probably not?” Ali asked.

“Well, we shouldn’t,” said Psaki. “But I don’t know if this is the most important question. I think the challenge here is that this is all crazy, horrible. And everyone should think it’s crazy.”

“Just up the dome,” Ali said.

“This is the top of the dome,” he added. “I mean, basically, the short version of it that this very, very effective explanation is that they knew better and they lied to the public about it to keep the viewers. They tricked them and led them to a . . .”

“Deliberately, voluntarily,” Ali commented.

“He deliberately misled them,” he continued. “I mean, I mean there’s a huge demand for it. But the piece here that’s really difficult and complicated that I think isn’t getting enough attention is that FOX News still has a huge audience. I don’t know if that’s going to change. Their business model is not putting Democrats on the air.”

It should be noted that Fox News consistently gives Democrats more air time than MSNBC gives Republicans. Fox News interviews are also more professional and fair.

“So I completely understand and relate to the Democrats who say we should ban it,” he added. “We shouldn’t be on it. They don’t care. I’m not sure they care. Why would they care? So the question isn’t just what do we call them?

“Of course we would have to decide that, but also what are we going to do with the fact that they still have a huge audience that consumes a large part of the country, including independents and Democrats who still watch?” she said

It sounds ominous. Fox News is the only center-right news network that still exists on some television platforms. DirecTV recently canceled Newsmax and dropped OANN. One has to wonder if Fox News will be next.

However, it would be hard to top Russell Brand’s retort on MSNBC confronting John Heilemann about the ridiculous hypocrisy of his network complaining about Fox News bias.

Russell Brand calls out MSNBC’s hypocrisy on COVID

“Want an example? Joe Rogan’s ridiculous and outrageous criticism of Ivermectin is deliberately referring to it as horse medicine when they know it’s an effective medicine!” @rustyrockets @billmaher @joerogan

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 4, 2023

“I have to say that it’s false to claim that the biases on display on Fox News are any different than the biases on display on MSNBC,” Brand said on “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Russell Brand then went on a rant where he called MSNBC a “Propaganda Nutcracker.” Bravo to Brand for standing up to these tools.


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