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Japan to release treated Fukushima water

Amid ongoing discussions and global concerns, Japan is preparing to begin releasing treated radioactive water from the devastated Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. While facing criticism, particularly from China, the Japanese government maintains the move is safe and essential to the process of decommissioning the plant, which suffered a catastrophic disaster more than a decade ago.

Japan’s decision has won the approval of the UN’s nuclear watchdog, which ensures that the environmental impact of the water release would be minimal. The plan is to release more than one million metric tons of treated water, a solution that is considered vital as the storage tanks holding the filtered and treated water will soon reach their maximum capacity in early 2024 .

The Fukushima nuclear power plant was dealt a devastating blow in 2011 by an earthquake that disabled its cooling systems and subsequently caused the meltdown of three reactors. This event resulted in water contamination and a series of ongoing leaks.

Although the release of treated water is scheduled to begin shortly, it has sparked discontent in several countries, with China particularly vocal in its opposition. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin expressed concern over Japan’s lack of consultation with the international community before making this decision. China has even imposed bans on seafood imports from 10 Japanese prefectures, including Fukushima and Tokyo.

Japan, however, maintains that the treated water will undergo extensive filtration to remove most radioactive elements, except for tritium, an isotope of hydrogen that is difficult to separate from water. In addition, the treated water will be diluted well below internationally accepted tritium levels before being released into the Pacific Ocean.

As the scheduled release approaches, tensions surrounding that decision continue to highlight the delicate balance between environmental considerations and the need to dismantle the Fukushima power plant, a chapter in Japan’s history marked by important challenges and complex global implications.

This article is sourced from and written by AI.

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