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In the Biden investigation, special counsel David Weiss makes the cowardly lion look heroic

Joe Biden and his family have been influence peddling for over a decade. But when he became vice president under Barack Obama, the family’s syndicate went on a rampage to get tens of millions of dollars from the very countries the Veep handled foreign policy. Let’s call it the “big sale outside of America.” He deserves a monument in Washington for exceptional success in graft and bribery.

The Bidens have always gotten away with it. Because? Three reasons. First, they were good at corruption. When Hunter demanded $10 million from a Chinese Community Party-controlled partner in Beijing, he boasted in one message: “The Bidens (sic) are the best I know to do exactly what the president wants.” Days later, millions began flowing into accounts controlled by Biden. Access to Joe and promises of future influence were bought and paid for.

The second reason “Joe incorporated” was able to avoid criminal charges is because his associates were skilled at covering the cash. Hunter (aka “the bagman”) created a complex web of shell companies to funnel millions of dollars. The payola was then laundered through hard-to-trace wire transfers that shuffled it through one account after another before landing in the greedy hands of Joe’s immediate family members who did nothing to earn one penny

The third reason is that the government voluntarily chose to look the other way. The documents show that many senior members of the Obama administration knew and were alarmed. But they didn’t lift a finger to stop it. Meanwhile, the FBI and Department of Justice worked diligently to suppress and bury the incriminating evidence. They engaged in blatant political interference to make the investigation disappear into a black hole of ignored crimes that mobsters can only dream of.

David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, spent five years in a bogus investigation doing everything in his power to do nothing but notify Hunter’s attorneys, quash search warrants, prohibit any question about Joe’s involvement, willfully allowing the statute of limitations to expire. , refusing to follow the paper trail of cash overseas, glossing over evidence of money laundering and extortion, and tearing up a written agreement from investigators and prosecutors to file six felony charges against Hunter. Instead, Weiss worked out a nonsensical plea deal that meant no real penalty.

Joe Biden’s devout sycophant, Attorney General Merrick Garland, exerted undue influence to ensure his boss was protected and his son received preferential treatment wrapped in a nice bow. At the same time, Weiss and his subordinates caved to pressure from Hunter’s lawyers who threatened to put President Biden on the stand if his son was seriously indicted. Of course, you’d have to be a moron to believe that Joe would ever testify. But that didn’t stop a scared Weiss from folding up like a beach chair. The cowardly lion had more courage.

“President Biden would now unquestionably be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” attorney Chris Clark warned in a letter reported by Politico. Okay, try to contain your laughter. Joe couldn’t exonerate a squirrel because of the missing nuts. what will he say His usual profanity, “My son didn’t do anything wrong!”, won’t fly in a court of law. Any half-decent prosecutor would eat the president’s lunch on cross-examination. He would be shot down in the first few minutes.

There are mountains of incriminating evidence that both Bidens were deeply involved in influence peddling in Ukraine, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and many other countries. Cash flowed like a rushing river to Biden’s shell companies. Exploitation of public office for self-enrichment by conferring benefits on foreign actors constitutes bribery under 18 USC 201, as well as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

The clueless mainstream media insist that none of the millions received were ever deposited into Joe’s account, so he cannot be criminally charged. Wrong, as usual. Read the statute. If the money goes to another person or entity, it is still bribes. It is also conspiracy and collaboration. Also, Joe didn’t have to hand over anything to his foreign benefactors to be guilty of crimes. A promise itself in exchange for money is a bribe. And, if you remember your constitutional history, bribery is an impeachable offence.

There is nothing Joe Biden could say on the witness stand that can exonerate his son. Instead, he would indict both of them when faced with compelling evidence that the father was complicit in his son’s illegal schemes. He spoke on the phone with Hunter’s foreign partners, met with them over dinner and hosted them at the White House while he was vice president. Photographs and visitor logs are a visual reminder of Joe’s active involvement.

And then there is Burisma, the mother of all scams. Under siege, the Ukrainian natural gas company hired Hunter as a board member at an impressive salary of $1 million a year when his father was vice chairman. After chief prosecutor Viktor Shokin seized many of CEO Mykola Zlochevsky’s assets and moved to shut down the company, the Burisma honcho met Hunter personally in Dubai and asked him to telephoned his father, which he did. Joe Biden then flew to Kiev and demanded that Shokin be fired or the US would withhold $1 billion in aid from US taxpayers.

Joe’s extortion worked like a charm. Within hours, the prosecutor was canned and the investigation into Burisma disappeared overnight. Zlochevsky was saved. He got what he paid for. Naturally, the senior Biden was so pleased with his machinations that he later bragged on camera. Joe’s arrogance (and stupidity) exposed his own pivotal role in the pay-to-play affair which falls squarely under the bribery statutes. It was a classic quid pro quo and the definition of corrupt acts.

The 32-page letter from Hunter’s lawyer is a vital window into how Garland, Weiss and federal prosecutors caved to idle pressure that would otherwise be laughable. They were afraid to press any significant charges because they were told that Joe Biden was going to be a witness at trial. In fact, Weiss was so intimidated and cornered that he didn’t want to charge anything.

The lack of strength and integrity is impressive. Forget loyalty to the rule of law. Avoiding the terrifying wrath of Joe Biden was all that mattered to Weiss and his minions. That’s exactly what the IRS whistleblowers described: legitimate criminal charges that the U.S. attorney slow-walked, deflected, and ultimately quashed.

As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy rightly pointed out, the letter’s threat demonstrates the same abuse of power that allowed the Bidens to rake in millions of dollars from America’s adversaries. “This is exactly the kind of influence that foreign actors were paying for,” he told Fox News.

If not for the rectitude of federal judge Maryellen Noeika, who smelled a rat when Hunter’s plea deal was presented to the court, the Bidens would have gotten away with it. He spotted the broad immunity clause attached to the arms diversion agreement and began asking probing questions that yielded no credible answers.

When the deal suddenly imploded, Garland quickly stepped in to double down on the protection racket. Defying federal regulations, he appointed Weiss as a special counsel who gave him unrestricted authority to steer the investigation away from the president, shield him from impeachment and shut down any congressional inquiry. The appointment cemented the favorable treatment designed to isolate Joe Biden.

For those Americans who care about honesty and justice, all is not lost. The House Oversight Committee continues to uncover the historic corruption at the heart of the Bidens’ influence-peddling schemes. Each week brings new revelations of damning evidence that will bring the president closer to impeachment. But this is not all.

Rep. Jim Jordan, as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has launched a new investigation into the Biden family that focuses on how Weiss negotiated the ridiculous plea deal that allowed Hunter Biden to avoid prison, as well as the Garland’s dubious testimony than anyone else. in the Department of Justice interfered in the case.

Congressman Jordan will have much more to say when he appears as a guest on my upcoming podcast, “The Brief.” So stay tuned.


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