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Illegal immigrant from Honduras arrested in Virginia on child pornography charges

The arrest of an illegal alien facing child pornography charges raised concerns about local jurisdictions impeding public safety.

Drug trafficking, human trafficking, and gang violence remained prominent among the many dangers that left-wing open border policies engendered on the US citizenry. Now, after a 24-year-old Honduran man was arrested in Virginia on charges that included child pornography, a spokesman for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed how local authorities could allow “criminal non-citizens.. . return to our communities…”.

According to report from Fox 5 Washington, DC, Gherson Gonzales-Hernandez was arrested on February 9 by Fairfax County police on charges that included 10 counts of child pornography and two counts of unlawfully creating an image video or still of a minor.

Image via Fairfax County Police Department

While the image charges were related to an August 2019 offense described as the unlawful filming of a minor without consent, the child pornography charges were said to be part of an November 2023.

In a statement to Fox 5, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) spokesman James Covington detailed, “Gherson Djorkaeff Gonzales-Hernandez is a 24-year-old Honduran man who is here illegally. He was arrested by Fairfax County police on February 9 and charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse material.”

The spokesman also explained how the federal agency needed compliance from local officials if they hoped to remove the illegal alien from the country.

“ICE ERO Washington, DC filed an immigration detainer against Gonzales-Hernandez at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center following his arrest on February 9. As part of our mission to identify and arrest individuals who cannot be removed, ERO files immigration detainers against non-citizens who have been arrested for criminal activity and detained by state or local law enforcement,” the statement said of the requests asking local jurisdictions that retain custody for a period “not to exceed 48 hours” in which they would otherwise be released to transfer custody.

“The lack of cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration officers means that non-citizen criminals are released back into our communities with the opportunity to reoffend before being apprehended by ERO,” he said. Covington.

Despite criminal jurisdictions where politicians have sanctuary city policies, a separate ICE ERO statement issued Friday confirmed the arrest of nearly 300 illegal alien sex offenders nationwide in a 10-day period during the February.

Deputy Director and Senior ICE Acting Director Patrick J. Lechleitner said in a statement following the February 5-16 sting, “Thanks to the 24-hour efforts of our ERO officers, our communities are safe from 275 people who have demonstrated a willingness to commit sex crimes against people innocent people, including children.”

The arrests in early February followed 171 reported nationwide in January that include offenders convicted of aggravated sexual assault with a firearm, attempted first-degree sexual abuse and continued sexual abuse of a child, including others

Fox 5 reported that the warrant for Gonzales-Hernandez's arrest had him scheduled for court appearances in April and May.


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