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Hunter Biden’s impeachment hearing may be DELAYED over outrageous ‘love deal’, claims AG Garland misled Congress

Hunter Biden’s impeachment hearing may be DELAYED over outrageous ‘love deal’, claims AG Garland misled Congress

The Justice Department is discussing delaying Hunter Biden’s impeachment hearing after whistleblower allegations of a “sweetheart deal” and claims Attorney General Merrick Garland provided misleading information to Congress about the investigation Biden criminal.

On July 26, a federal judge in Delaware will decide whether to accept the proposed plea deal involving two tax crimes for the first child. Republican lawmakers are urging Judge Maryellen Noreika to reject the perceived lenient settlement as IRS whistleblowers, who investigated Hunter for five years, say more serious tax and corruption charges could have been pursued.

A recent legal filing indicates that the DOJ is considering delaying the finalization of the plea agreement in response to mounting criticism. The Daily Mail reported on Sunday about the possible postponement of the hearing.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative charity, is suing the Department of Justice for not releasing Delaware Attorney General David Weiss’ communication records through a Freedom of Information Act request.

A court filing by the Foundation revealed a June 29 phone call between its attorney and DOJ attorney Jason Lynch, in which Lynch allegedly made a significant admission. Foundation attorney Samuel Dewey suggested they could ask the federal judge to delay Hunter’s plea hearing to allow enough time for the prosecution and the release of Weiss’ records, allowing the scrutiny of the fiscal agreement.

“DoJ counsel indicated that plaintiffs were ‘absolutely correct’ that the Department could file such a motion and that DoJ counsel would take this point to the ‘District’ (presumably referring to the District of Delaware)” , said Dewey.

“They have the ability to move the plea agreement, although they did not indicate any possibility that they would do so,” the Heritage Foundation’s director of oversight, Mike Howell, told the Daily Mail.

“The public has an interest in evaluating for themselves: Is this a sweetheart deal? It certainly appears to be. This information needs to be published and it is in the public interest that it is published before any petition is signed.” added.

The Foundation filed its FOIA request with the DOJ in March, seeking documents and communications between Weiss’ Delaware office and other DOJ officials related to the Hunter Biden investigation. They resorted to litigation after the Department failed to produce any records for several months.

Howell emphasized that the Foundation is seeking evidence to corroborate whistleblowers’ claims that Weiss was prevented from prosecuting Hunter’s crimes in other jurisdictions, including Central California and Washington, D.C., allegedly because of Biden-appointed prosecutors.

While Attorney General Merrick Garland stated that Weiss possessed all the authority necessary to prosecute Hunter for crimes anywhere in the US, IRS investigators testified before Congress that Weiss claimed that prosecutors appointed by the Biden administration in DC and Los Angeles.

“If the whistleblowers are correct, US Attorney Weiss’ office should have sensitive records corroborating the whistleblowers,” Dewey wrote in the Heritage Foundation’s lawsuit.

“There are events so serious, so essential, to our constitutional order that if we are to maintain our Republic, the American people must have a full explanation of the facts. A state of affairs where there is a substantial question whether the attorney general has misled Congress is intolerable. That is why the production of the records requested by the Plaintiffs is essential. And why it is essential now.”

The DOJ, in its legal responses, stated that they will attempt to produce some records, but will not release anything until after Hunter’s July 26 plea hearing. Once Judge Noreika approves the settlement, the details of which remain undisclosed, it is unlikely to be. invested.

Judge Dabney Friedrich, who is presiding over the Heritage Foundation’s FOIA lawsuit, ordered the DOJ to provide legal arguments in response to the charity’s emergency document request by July 10.

Howell expressed concern that the non-criminal charges, which do not come with prison time, would effectively serve as a “backdoor pardon.”

“What they’re basically doing is giving Hunter Biden a pardon by other means by giving him this slap on the wrist when there’s all this other testimony of a bombshell whistleblower and shady business pattern of the Biden family,” he said. report Howell to the Daily Mail. .

Chris Clark, one of Hunter’s attorneys, defended the plea agreement as an indication of his client’s responsibility.

“Hunter will take responsibility for two cases where they failed to file tax payments when they were due,” Clark said in a written statement after the plea agreement with prosecutors was announced last month.

“I know Hunter feels it’s important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life,” Clark said. “He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward.”


Confirmed: Cocaine found at White House, two days after Hunter Biden sighting

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