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Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad on Phone in at Least 2 Dozen Calls to Overseas Biz Associates: Ex-Partner

Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad on Phone in at Least 2 Dozen Calls to Overseas Biz Associates: Ex-Partner

Title: Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad on Phone in at Least 2 Dozen Calls to Overseas Biz Associates: Ex-Partner


Recent revelations have shed light on Hunter Biden’s extensive involvement in international business dealings and the alleged influence he sought to wield by connecting his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, with at least two dozen foreign business associates. This startling information came to light through a former business partner of Hunter Biden’s, raising concerns over potential conflicts of interest and the implications this may have on the elder Biden’s political legacy.

Hunter Biden’s International Business Ventures

Hunter Biden, the son of now-President Joe Biden, has faced scrutiny for his involvement with foreign entities throughout his father’s political career. A former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, recently came forward with new allegations, claiming that he had firsthand knowledge of Joe Biden’s participation in these international business endeavors.

Bobulinski asserted that Hunter Biden orchestrated phone calls between his father and overseas business associates on at least two dozen occasions. According to him, these calls were intended to capitalize on Joe Biden’s stature as Vice President, potentially leveraging his political influence to benefit Hunter’s business dealings.

Conflicts of Interest and the Perception of Corruption

These revelations surrounding Hunter Biden’s actions raise serious concerns over conflicts of interest and the potential perception of corruption. When high-ranking public officials are involved with family members engaged in private business activities, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern whether their intentions are solely in the interest of the public or if private agendas are also in play.

The alleged phone calls between Joe Biden and overseas business associates could be seen as an inappropriate mingling of personal and political interests. It is imperative that politicians ensure their actions maintain the highest level of transparency and integrity, especially when their family members are involved in potentially lucrative business ventures.

Impact on Joe Biden’s Political Legacy

Joe Biden, who has consistently emphasized his commitment to ethics and transparency throughout his political career, now faces questions regarding his knowledge and involvement in his son’s business affairs. The outcome of these allegations could potentially tarnish his legacy and undermine public trust in his administration.

The implications of these revelations extend beyond Joe Biden himself. If proven true, they could undermine the credibility of American institutions and reinforce public skepticism towards politicians and their families. Moreover, they add further fuel to the ongoing debates surrounding the role of money and political influence in American politics.


The recent disclosure that Hunter Biden apparently facilitated numerous phone calls between his father, Joe Biden, and overseas business associates is a troubling revelation. The allegations raise concerns of potential conflicts of interest and the perception of corruption that could damage Joe Biden’s political legacy and erode public trust.

As these claims continue to unfold, it is imperative that a thorough investigation be conducted to determine the veracity of these allegations. The integrity of American democracy hinges on the transparency and accountability of its leaders. Only through a fair and impartial examination can the truth be unearthed and the American people regain confidence in their elected officials.

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