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On Saturday, a book signing event for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis quickly turned ugly when a security guard was ordered to boot out supporters of former President Donald Trump.

The event, held in the city of The Villages, was meant to promote DeSantis’ new book, “America First: The Restore Our Way of Life Plan.” However, the event was disrupted when a security guard was seen ordering a group of Trump supporters to leave the premises.

The group of Trump supporters had been waving flags and signs with the former president’s name on them. The security guard, who was wearing a shirt with the logo of the Villages Public Safety Department, was seen on video telling the group to leave the area.

The incident has sparked an outcry from Trump supporters, who have accused DeSantis of trying to silence their voices. DeSantis has denied the allegations, saying that the security guard was not acting on his orders.

The incident has also raised questions about the role of security guards at public events. While it is understandable that security guards are tasked with ensuring the safety of attendees, it is unclear why they were instructed to remove the Trump supporters from the event.

The incident has also raised concerns about the rights of political protesters. While it is important for the government to protect the safety of its citizens, it is also important to ensure that their right to free speech is respected.

It remains to be seen how the incident will affect DeSantis’ popularity, but it has certainly highlighted the need for better security protocols at public events. It is also a reminder that the rights of political protesters must be respected in order to ensure a healthy democracy.

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