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The Supreme Court recently handed down a major decision that has left many conservative Americans feeling betrayed. On Monday, the court denied a petition from the conservative organization Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) to review a lower court ruling on a Mississippi law that would have allowed businesses to deny services to LGBTQ individuals. This decision marks a major setback for social conservatives and a huge slap in the face to those who had hoped the conservative-leaning Supreme Court would take up the case.

The Mississippi law, known as the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, was passed in 2016. The law would have allowed businesses to deny services to LGBTQ individuals based on their religious beliefs. The law was quickly challenged in court, and in 2018 a federal appeals court struck it down, ruling that it violated the First Amendment. The ADF then appealed the ruling to the Supreme Court, which has now declined to hear the case.

This decision is a major blow to social conservatives, who had hoped the Supreme Court would side with them on this issue. The court’s decision has been met with outrage from some conservative groups, who feel betrayed by the court’s refusal to take up the case.

The Supreme Court’s decision is a reminder that, despite its conservative majority, it is still bound by the law and the Constitution. The court’s decision to deny the petition from the ADF shows that it will not bend to political pressure, even when the issue is of great importance to social conservatives.

The court’s decision is also a reminder that, while the Supreme Court may be conservative-leaning, it is still bound by the law and the Constitution. This decision serves as a reminder that, while the court may be sympathetic to certain causes, it will not bend to political pressure. The court’s decision to deny the petition from the ADF shows that it will not be swayed by political pressure, even when the issue is of great importance to social conservatives.

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