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Hope in a sea of ​​disorder

Hope in a sea of ​​disorder

In November 2022, the Board of America’s Frontline Doctors asked me if I would be willing to serve on an external oversight committee in light of the serious allegations of financial impropriety made against Dr. Simone Gold. This Oversight Committee, on which I serve along with Kevin Jenkins, Rachel Rodriguez, and Trent Loos, has been empowered by the AFLDS Board to conduct a comprehensive review of all policies and procedures in place in the organization in order to protect AFLDS assets, restore faith in AFLDS Donors, and advance the critical mission of AFLDS.

We were tasked with investigating exactly what happened in the AFLDS and disseminating those findings to supporters. In addition, we will make recommendations to the Board on the implementation of protocols and procedures that safeguard the investment of donors; put in place a short-term and long-term plan to get the organization back to doing the critical work for which it was created; and make the structural changes necessary to protect the organization and the doctors, patients and medical professionals who depend on it.

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As a 33-year spiritual leader who has committed my life to fighting for our God-given human rights, I know how important the medical freedom movement is to the future of humanity, both in the United States and around the world. the world. That is why I agreed to be part of the Supervisory Committee; the mission and work of the AFLDS are too essential to be weakened.

I understand how many members of the medical freedom movement feel the behavior of Dr. Gold because I share his feelings. It brings me nothing but sadness to see someone who started from a place of moral righteousness get lost.

But all is not lost; the situation facing the AFLDS, and indeed the situation facing the broader medical freedom movement, is not lost. I know it and I know it firsthand because I’ve seen him play before. The fall of many well-known ministries bears striking similarities to what we have seen unfold in the AFLDS. The good news is that we won’t stand idly by and watch this movement collapse. We are committed to rebuilding.

We are aware that opponents of the medical freedom movement, especially the government and the unholy alliance of big tech, big media and big pharma, are enjoying what they see happening in the AFLDS. They are not interested in protecting the organization or its donors against financial misappropriation by Dr. Gold; they want to use their heinous deeds as a cudgel to bring down the entire movement. The worst mistake we can make at this critical moment is to say nothing and sit back and wait for it all to go away. It won’t go away, and the enemies of freedom will make sure it doesn’t.

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Now is the time for moral clarity. To be honest about what happened, to inform donors, doctors and medical professionals about the truth about the actions of Dr. Gold in AFLDS. More importantly, we are all committed to change, rededicating ourselves to the mission and moving forward as an organization and movement. This is exactly what we are doing as members of the AFLDS Oversight Committee, which is why our mission is so important. This organization and this movement has never been about a woman or a man, it should never be held hostage by one individual’s greed or lust for power, and no one person owns the ‘AFLDS.

This organization belongs to all the people who stood up in the last three years and fought for freedom, to all the doctors who dared to speak the truth and to the mothers and fathers who bravely protected their children and their families from government excess. To each and every one of these people, I say thank you and promise that we will right the ship in AFLDS and lead it into a just and glorious future. I leave with the words of my hero, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “It’s always the right time to do the right thing.”

For Humanity

Dr. Aaron Lewis

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