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Here are the most popular AI platforms in November

If we leave the US presidential election to the most popular AI platforms, America may be in even more trouble than we currently think.

Social media influencer Ian Miles Cheong shared in a tweet that he asked ChatGPT, Claude AI and Grok “who they would vote for if they were US citizens” and asked for their reasoning.

The results were essentially a betrayal of the political leanings embedded in the programming, as Cheong explained.

“ChatGPT recommended Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Elizabeth Warren, Larry Hogan, Pete Buttigieg, Mitt Romney and Cory Booker,” he tweeted. “Claude AI suggested Liz Cheney. Grok suggested Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”

“While this is by no means definitive, it certainly reveals a lot about where each AI language model stands in politics,” he added. “Read the images for their detailed explanations of why they chose their favorite candidates for office.”

In terms of reasoning, ChatGPT cited democratic governments. Gavin Newsom (CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (MI) as examples of “experience and leadership.” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was singled out for her “strong positions on financial regulation and wealth inequality.” The platform saw Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg as a “visionary leader”.

And if that's not enough to make your head spin, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) was cited as an example of “character and integrity,” along with liberal Republican Sen. Mitt Romney (UT).

Claude AI said Liz Cheney was a good choice as commander-in-chief, saying she has “shown a commitment to upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.” This compliance is the result of the rejected Republican's participation in a one-sided ploy by the Democratic Party to smear a sitting President of the United States ahead of his re-election bid.

Grok offered a reasoned explanation of why Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be a good choice.

As for Gemini…

Here's a quick sampling of responses to the story, as seen on social media platform X:


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Here are the most popular AI platforms in November
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