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Guy hired to head Twitter’s “election security” censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a “fucking dips**t”…

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Elon Musk, once a vocal presence on Twitter, has noticeably dialed it back since handing over control to his new management team. That team includes a CEO who also serves as WEF president and a left-wing “censorship chief” and election security czar, Aaron Rodericks, who apparently thinks Elon Musk is a complete “shithole.”

Here are close-ups of the images Mike shared:





If Aaron Rodericks’ name sounds familiar, it’s because Revolver has covered his disgraced legacy before.


We all had high hopes for Twitter when Elon Musk stepped in and bought the platform. Although his intentions seem good, with his heart in the right place, he quickly discovers that America may not be as free as he thought. When it comes down to it, the Constitution doesn’t call the shots, it’s woke companies like Apple, Amazon and Chase. Unfortunately, that’s why Twitter isn’t becoming the bastion of free speech we hoped it would be, thanks to the takeover crew. And one of the most prominent is Aaron Rodericks, a flamboyant liberal who now leads the “censorship”.

Here’s what Mike Benz, the founder of the Online Freedom Foundation, had to say about this “double agent.”

He labors under a false flag of free speech, but his past posts reveal that he despises all that genuine free speech stands for. What is really concerning is that this “double agent” person may allow him to continue this tactic for an extended period. Conservatives seem to be being lulled into a false sense of freedom, and that is troubling.

Mike Benz, the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, has been cataloging Aaron’s greatest hits on Twitter for the past few weeks. He’s friendly with all the worst academic characters in so-called “misinformation, disinformation, and misinformation,” including Kate Starbird.

That’s how he recently characterized Oliver Anthony and The Daily Wire.

Sounds like a great “team player” doesn’t he? The kind of man you want in the booth next to you…

RELATED: Elon’s new ‘censorship’ boss has just been unmasked and is a double agent…

It’s pretty baffling that Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet, has someone on his team who openly disrespects him and his audience in this way. Aaron Rodericks must be exceptional at his job for Elon to overlook such a blatant disregard. Or, could it be that Elon is shifting its focus from the free speech debate to focus solely on profitability? Either way, it doesn’t look like the situation at X will change anytime soon, even with new management. We are still dealing with the same dubious characters still hiding behind a new guise of so-called “free speech”.



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