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Gov. Noem says she sees no ‘path to victory’ for anyone but Trump in 2024

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem has said she doesn’t think any of the 2024 presidential candidates have a clear path to the White House, except for former President Donald Trump.

During a radio interview Tuesday with KWAT News, Noem declined to endorse any specific Republican presidential candidate, but said Trump has the best chance of winning among the Republican field.

“President Trump is in the race, and right now I don’t see a path to victory for anyone else with him in the race and the current situation,” Noem said.

Trump is currently the favorite in most Republican presidential primary polls. RealClearPolitics has Trump leading the next closest Republican candidate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, by more than 30 points over the polling average.

DeSantis has led Trump in a few select polls, including a December US-Suffolk poll and a January WPA Analytics. poll commissioned by the Club For Growth, but Trump has maintained his lead in the RCP polling average and has generally extended that lead since March.

Despite Trump’s current position in the race, Noem warned that things could still change so much before the primaries. The first Republican debate is willing to take place in Milwaukee, Wis., on August 23 and the first primary contest could take place in South Carolina on February 24, 2024.

“I think people should get on it, it could be a rollercoaster of a presidential race,” Noem said.

The expansion of Trump’s electoral lead

Trump led DeSantis by about 15 points in the average of RCP polls throughout March. That advantage began to expand in April, around the same time Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced criminal charges against the former president, alleging Trump falsified his business records to hide a payment of money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

Trump’s primary poll lead jumped to Yahoo! The News-YouGov and Reuters/Ipsos polls conducted around the time Bragg revealed his 34-count indictment of Trump. Trump’s campaign too reported an increase in donationsearning $8 million in the four days after Bragg announced the charges.

The former president again touted a jump in his polling and fundraising after special counsel Jack Smith brought federal charges against him for allegedly withholding documents containing national defense information and obstructing officials trying to retrieve those documents .

“As for this impeachment joke, it’s a horrible thing. It’s a horrible thing for this country,” Trump said at a June 10 rally following the federal indictment. “I mean, the only good thing about it is that it’s boosted the poll numbers. Can you believe that?”

At the June 10 rally, Trump cited the results of the Morning Consult and Clarity Campaign GOP polls, showing him leading DeSantis 56–22 and 59–19, respectively.

Trump also maintained a lead over the rest of the 2024 Republican field in a Quinnipiac poll was taken immediately after the federal indictment, although his overall support dropped by three points. That poll showed Trump leading DeSantis 53 to 23. That Quinnipiac poll also saw Trump drop by two points in a hypothetical general election matchup against Biden.

The last Quinnipiac poll has Trump leading DeSantis 49 to 25 in a Republican primary contest while running 47 to 46 against Biden in a hypothetical general election matchup.

Names of the plans 2024

While he offered no endorsement, Noem said he is not currently considering jumping into the 2024 race.

“Wouldn’t that be interesting? If there were governors from South and North Dakota running for president? Noem told KWAT, referring to the recent entry of North Dakota Republican Gov. Doug Burgum in the GOP primary field. “But no, I’m so focused on South Dakota right now.”

Noem said Burgum is a “great guy” and had asked him to support his campaign, joking that “we’ve protected you from Canada for 137 years.”

Noem said Burgum “could do well in Iowa,” which holds a caucus contest to choose presidential candidates early in most primary election cycles.

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