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GEOTUS: “2024 is the final battle! That’s it!” — Trump says in Davenport, IA that he will break up the Department of Education and send resources and segments to individual states!! 🔥 🔥 – The Donald – America First

GEOTUS: “2024 is the final battle! That’s it!”  — Trump says in Davenport, IA that he will break up the Department of Education and send resources and segments to individual states!!  🔥 🔥 – The Donald – America First

Unfortunately, systemic problems like debt, failing social security, etc. they follow you on Apple Pie America.

There is no escaping the effects of our broken central government, so it must be fixed for the good of us all.

The risks we face are capable of destroying not only America, but civilization itself.

You are right that we have the resources to change this, but that does not mean that the dangers are not very real and that our enemies are very powerful and determined to implement their dystopian worldview on us.

Personally, I think we are more likely to enter a new golden age of humanity than the alternative, but the end is far from certain.

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