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George Soros Drops $80 Million In Pre-Election Censorship Scheme To 'Silence' Americans: Report

As pre-election censorship schemes have begun to unfold, a new report detailed the huge numbers that have already been funneled into the cause courtesy of George Soros.

The infamous dark money financier and widespread “spooky guy” has been shown in one form or another to be connected to globalist interests that would see the demise of the traditional American way of life.

Now, as Media Research Center Associate Editor Joseph Vazquez details, the billionaire-funded free press “is looking to incorporate global pressure to push Big Tech platforms to use their censorship operations ahead of the presidential election of the United States of 2024”.

The same week it was the US Department of Justice convening his task force on electoral threats, Vázquez had highlighted a press release from the organization that, in turn, pointed to an April 9 letter co-signed by more than 200 groups aimed at executives that included Google CEOs , Instagram, Meta, Tiktok, YouTube, X. and Rumble.

Among the signatories, dozens were said to have benefited from a combined infusion of more than $80 billion courtesy of the financier and MRC. detailed“at least 45 of the signatories have had their coffers filled with Soros cash to the tune of $80,757,329 between 2016 and 2022 alone.”

Denouncing the “disproportionate impact on online discourse” that individual users could have with fear-mongering of “rising extremism and violent attempts to overthrow democratic governments”, the letter referred to the “big lie “, as it demanded a return to the extremism previously exposed. “election integrity policies” that would allow Big Tech to “enforce rules against election lies and hate in political advertising.”

Of the recipients of Soros' funding, Global Witness was said to have got the most with $20,338,270 of the more than $80 million distributed over the six-year period that began the year after the Free Press had praised its influence when submitting to the FCC. President Barack Obama to adopt 'net neutrality' rules.

With more than $3 billion from 2017 to 2022, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue drew as much concern as the aforementioned climate-focused group after a House Judiciary Committee investigation found its collaboration with a blacklist with the Global Disinformation Index, also funded by Soros. which labeled conservative and faith-based groups as “hate groups” before providing that list to financial institutions and law enforcement.

Noting the goals of the co-signatories, Vazquez wrote: “However, it appears that their real design is to pressure big tech companies to silence the speech that the left despises as 60 countries around the world prepare to their elections in 2024.”

“But even more disturbing was the letter's implication that his main goal is interfering in the 2024 US election. This development is directly in line with the brand of Soros, who has dedicated millions of his unholy fortune to groups seeking to interfere in elections by stifling online speech,” the associate editor added.

Also, the vice president of MRC Free Speech America, Dan Schneider expressed on Fox News Digital, “One of the world's richest men is using his vast wealth and power to silence ordinary Americans ahead of the 2024 election. At a time when defending free speech is key, the Leftists are doing everything they can to silence the voices of half of America, especially those who disagree with the radical agenda promoted by Biden, Soros and most Big Tech executives.”

The implication worsened even as Vázquez indicated that “the push for speech controls is particularly troubling” because of Free Press co-founder Robert W. McChesney's comment in 2000, “Our job is to that the reform of the media is part of our wider struggle for democracy, social justice and, dare we say it, socialism”.

“Attention to Americans,” concluded Vázquez. “Soros network comes after your free speech just in time for US election, again.”


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George Soros Drops  Million In Pre-Election Censorship Scheme To 'Silence' Americans: Report
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