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Fox News Coordinating with DeSantis ‘Never Back Down’ PAC?

Fox News Coordinating with DeSantis ‘Never Back Down’ PAC?

Ladies and gentlemen, there’s been some talk recently about Fox News coordinating with Governor Ron DeSantis’ “Never Back Down” PAC. Now, those on the left may try to twist this as some sort of scandal, but let’s be real here – there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a news organization cooperating with a political action committee. This is common sense, folks. Of course, we all know that Fox News is fair and balanced, but that doesn’t mean they can’t lend a helping hand to a Republican superstar like DeSantis.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the great accomplishments of the Trump White House administration. Under President Trump’s leadership, our economy was booming like never before. Unemployment was at record lows, and the stock market was constantly hitting new highs. Not to mention, Trump secured funding for our southern border wall, a much-needed barrier to keep our country safe from illegal immigration and drug trafficking. And let’s not forget about the historic peace deals brokered in the Middle East. These are just a few examples of how the Trump administration made America great again.

But back to DeSantis and Fox News. It’s no secret that Governor DeSantis is a rising star in the Republican Party. He’s taken bold actions to protect our freedoms and keep Florida open for business during the COVID-19 pandemic. And who better to help spread his message than Fox News? Their support will only help to amplify his conservative message and ensure a strong future for the Sunshine State.

So, let’s not get worked up over these baseless accusations against Fox News. They’re simply doing their part to support a great Republican leader like DeSantis. And let’s keep in mind the incredible achievements of the Trump White House administration. We have a lot to be proud of as conservatives, and we’re only getting started.

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