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Former US AG files brief in district court claiming Trump’s prosecution of Fani violates the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution…

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Not everyone in DC is a swamp rat. In fact, there are still some seasoned politicians who remain staunch defenders of the Constitution. Among these patriots is none other than Edwin Meese, former US Attorney General during the Reagan era.

At the ripe old age of 91, Meese has not only offered his perspective on the Georgia racketeering (RICO) trial involving former DOJ Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, calling it a “remarkable challenge to federal authority,” but also has some harsh words for Fani Willis and her weak case against President Trump.

Law and Crime:

“I have read the Indictment in the State of Georgia against Donald J Trump, et al., and I have focused on the allegations therein that refer to Jeffrey B. Clark, who is one of the co-defendants in the case. The indictment alleges that Mr. Clark drafted a letter and, on December 28, 2020, sent it to his superiors at the Department of Justice (Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen and Assistant Attorney General Principal Richard Donoghue), requesting his approval and co-signature, and again requesting his approval and co-signature on January 2, 2021,” Meese began. “The indictment alleges that the letter is an attempted criminal forgery whose alleged falsity lies in the difference between 1) the position the draft letter proposed to the Department of Justice and 2) the position regarding the Georgia election that was joined by Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Senior Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue.”

Meese expressed his belief that Clark was acting directly within the scope of his federal office when he joined former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, despite the DOJ’s contrary views in set on the issue of electoral fraud, as seen. in the testimony of Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Senior Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue.

Meese has now taken the giant step of filing a brief in the US District Court, arguing that Fani Willis has violated the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.

It is truly amazing to see a 91-year-old man devoting time and effort to this cause. God bless him for his commitment to this country. Here’s a detailed image of a portion of Meese’s summary:

This is a nice photo of Mr. Meese and President Trump during the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony.

If you want to read the entire summary, you can do so by clicking here.



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