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Forget the police, the left now has a plan to DEFUND the US Supreme Court…

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One thing we can say about the left is that they never stop coming up with evil plans to take down their enemies. And one of their biggest enemies right now is the US Supreme Court, and they’re doing everything they can to stop the high court that’s handed them a few doozies lately, like Roe v Wade and affirmative action. decision Many believed that the left would push for track stacking, but that is proving to be a mistake. Americans don’t want that to happen, so they’ve come up with a whole new way to cripple the court: DEMOLISH THEM.

That’s right, the left has a new trick up its sleeve: starving the Supreme Court of appeals. Oh sure, they’ll lie and tell you it’s about “reducing the number of law enforcement officers,” but don’t let the sugarcoating fool you. What is really eating them alive is that the bench has a majority that actually cares about the Constitution as it was written. They’re basically throwing a tantrum and trying to screw up the Court’s ability to do its job, all because they can’t stack the deck in their favor.

Here’s what the plan entails:

Here’s a close-up of the screenshots from the Slate article:

This is the tweet from leftist rag Slate.

I’m not sure about you, but doesn’t that sound oddly like an “insurgency”? What Slate is suggesting sounds a lot more menacing and sinister than someone walking out of Congress with Nancy Pelosi’s lectern, don’t you agree? It’s baffling that the left is openly plotting to dismantle the US Supreme Court, and it’s even more baffling that no one seems to care, especially those people who are constantly talking about “democracy” every chance they get.



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