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Flashback: Pro-LGBTQ magazine ‘The Advocate’ publishes story on how sex offender registry is ‘unfair’ for gays…

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An article recently surfaced from a left-wing pro-LGBTQ magazine called “The Advocate” that shockingly defends child sexual predators under the age of 18 who end up on the National Sex Offender Registry. The magazine goes so far as to call it “unfair” that these minors, who they describe as “doctor’s medicine”, are included in the list of criminals. According to The Advocate, these young offenders face shame and social exclusion. Meanwhile, the lives of his innocent victims are forever changed for the worse.

Leaving aside whether or not sex offender registration is warranted in all extreme cases, which could certainly over-penalize some juvenile behavior that may or may not result in one being stigmatized for life, the real catastrophe , according to The Advocate, is that a disproportionate number of young people on the registry are queer.


The lawyer:

It’s hard to believe that until recently there were still laws on the books that made it illegal to be gay. Our legal system may no longer explicitly prohibit same-sex relationships, but we have found new ways to criminalize queer children. We label them as sex offenders.

Across the country, children are being entered into sex offense registries for behavior ranging from “playing doctor” to strip-tipping and having consensual sex with peers a few years older. The statistics are scary: out of every 800,000 people registered in the registers, one in four – more than 200,000 – is under 18 years old. A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as “deviant”. Additionally, initial research shows that a disproportionate number of these youth are queer.

The Lawyer the piece continues:

Across the country, children are being entered into sex offense registries for behavior ranging from “playing doctor” to strip-tipping and having consensual sex with peers a few years older. The statistics are scary: out of every 800,000 people registered in the registers, one in four – more than 200,000 – is under 18 years old. A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as “deviant”. Additionally, initial research shows that a disproportionate number of these youth are queer.

To be clear, children do serious harm. Regardless of the behavior, however, two decades of research have shown that registration does not reduce recidivism or prevent harm in the first place. And LGBTQ disparity is not a reflection of justice or public safety. It’s an indication of the implicit and explicit bias woven into the legal and welfare systems, and even more reason to make eliminating the practice of youth registration a priority.

One report, called “Give the Kid a Break – But Only if He’s Straight,” found that LGBTQ youth receive harsher punishments than their straight, gender-conforming counterparts. In the study, participants suggested disciplinary consequences for an older teenager who had sex with a 14-year-old boy. A 16-year-old heterosexual offender was far less likely to end up on the registry than a 16-year-old gay youth.

Queer and gender non-conforming youth are also more likely to be kicked out of their homes, run away, or be funneled into the child welfare system. Once in the welfare system, their lives are watched more closely, and the normative behavior that might have prompted a conversation with parents ends up being reported to the authorities. Nicole Pittman’s human rights report, “Crowd on the Registry,” found that 90 percent of the 500 registry youth she interviewed were in the child welfare system at the time of their arrest.

Here comes the kicker: The Advocate transforms into a pretzel in an attempt to excuse sodomy, forced or otherwise, between young children.

Even the laws themselves can be blatantly discriminatory. In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court struck down state bans on same-sex sodomy; however, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion included this one negative sentence: “[the] The current case does not involve minors, which this commentary will refer to as “the minor exception.” Kennedy was referring to adult-to-minor sexual conduct, but states have used it as a loophole. Texas law, for example, makes sexual contact with a child under the age of 17 a felony unless the two participants are under the age of 18, no more than three years apart, and of the opposite sex.

God forbid that the state does not approve of teenage sodomy (or worse) as perfectly equal to normal intercourse!

The Texas law sounds pretty reasonable, although of course there are extreme cases that may seem unfair, for example, labeling an 18-year-old for fornicating with a 14-year-old as a sex offender for life seems to be a little a bit extreme, considering it wasn’t all that uncommon for 14-year-olds to get married in the not-so-distant past. In the past, catching an 18-year-old fornicating with a 14-year-old might have been the occasion for a shotgun marriage instead of a scarlet letter on the forehead.

The lawyer continues:

Once young people are on the record, the trauma grows. Children are ostracized, socially isolated and often physically banished from their homes and communities by child safety zones. Their life becomes a struggle for employment, and they must consult regularly with the forces of order; if they don’t report even the slightest change in their lives, they can be sent to prison with a felony. LGBTQ youth in prison can also be targets of sexual abuse and homophobia. One in five young people on the register has attempted suicide. Queer youth already have high suicide rates, so this increases the risk.

Laws created to protect our children from harm can be very harmful, potentially deadly, and definitely life altering. Registering youth is contrary to public safety and a costly burden on law enforcement, but it is our LGBTQ youth who are paying the high price. Although they have shown great endurance and courage, this debt is not theirs to pay. As a society, we need to correct this miscalculation and eliminate youth registration laws.

No wonder our society has fallen into such darkness and danger. The relentless quest to target our children and normalize LGBTQ pedophilia has been going on for quite some time, as this article clearly shows. The challenge for the conservative movement is that we are perhaps too skeptical about these bold moves from the left. Statements seem so outlandish and ridiculous that we dismiss them with a laugh or consider them too absurd to ever win. In other words, we underestimate our enemy at our peril and it always comes back to bite us.



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