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First lady excuses Biden's blank date of Beau's death; wagons of the administrative circles

First Lady Jill Biden on Saturday tried to explain why President Biden couldn't recall special counsel Robert Hur when, exactly, her son Beau died, and in doing so, she showed exactly why she's so reviled by conservatives .

In a campaign email sent to Democratic donors, Jill accused Hur of using Beau's death to score “political points.”

Given the many times the president has invoked Beau's name for precisely that reason, the pearl-clutching campaign sent conservatives at X into a full-scale snark attack.

“We have to give everyone grace, and I can't imagine anyone trying to use our son's death to score political points,” the first lady reportedly wrote. Fox News Digital. “If you've experienced a loss like this, you know you don't measure it in years, you measure it in pain.”

“Believe me,” she added, “like anyone who has lost a child, Beau and his death never leave him.”

Beau Biden died in 2015, not while serving in Iraq, as the president prefers to remind us repeatedly, but from a brain tumor.

According to Fox News Digital, “Her death was one of the main reasons Biden cited for choosing not to run for president the following year.”

“May 30th is a day etched in our hearts forever,” Jill wrote of Beau's death. “It tore me apart, it tore our family apart. … What helped me, and what helped Joe, was finding a purpose. That's what keeps Joe going, serving you and the country we love.”

In his report, Hur stated that President Biden “couldn't remember, even in a few years, when his son Beau died.”

“I hope you can imagine how it felt to read that attack, not only as Joe's wife, but as Beau's mother,” Jill wrote.

“I hope Jill can imagine how it felt for the mothers of those soldiers,” one X user replied, referring to the mothers of those soldiers who died as a result of the president's disastrous withdrawal Biden from Afghanistan.

Some users were quick to point out that Jill is, in fact, Beau's stepmother. His real mother, Neilia Hunter, was killed in a car accident when Beau was… well, the media seems to disagree on how old Beau was when the tragic accident occurred.

In any case, it was said:

As to Joe Biden's age, Jill said being 81 is an “incredible asset” to America.

“Joe is 81, true,” Jill wrote, “but he does more in an hour than most people do in a day.”

“Joe has wisdom, empathy and vision,” he insisted. “He has fulfilled many of his promises as president precisely because he has learned a lot in these 81 years. His age, with his experience and knowledge, is an incredible asset and he proves it every day.”

And Jill isn't the only one trying to convince American voters that her husband is fit to lead.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who narrowly escaped impeachment last week, told NBC's “Meet the Press” on Sunday that it is difficult to properly prepare for a meeting with the president because it is so “sharp”.

“The hardest part of a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it because he's sharp, intensely probing, detail-oriented, and focused,” she said.

Mitch Landrieu, a senior adviser to Biden, also took a turn at damage control on “Meet the Press.”

He called the idea that Biden is “not ready for this job” a “bucket of BS,” according to NBC news.

“It's very deep [that] the boots will stick under,” he declared.

“I've known him for 30 years. I've met him in person. I've met him with two people, five people, 10 people. I've been on a journey with him, crossing the country, rebuilding America from this incredible infrastructure bill that passed,” Landrieu said. “And I'm telling you, this guy is tough. He's smart. He's on his game.”

AX, few were convinced.

“Calling Joe Biden 'sharp' is like calling a bowling ball 'square,'” said one user.

“Although we shouldn't be surprised. The Biden regime says men can be women,” the user added. “Everything is upside down in Biden's America.”


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