Soon before being closed for contempt of congress, Bannon said Tucker Carlson that he would see his time in prison as “serving his country” and that he would do “a lot of spiritual exercises, St. Ignatius of Loyola, different spiritual exercises that come out of the Catholic Church.”
Bannon, 70, has often turned to religion for solace in dark times. In the 2017 biography Bannon: Always the rebelthe first donald trump councilor admitted that the newspaper of Sant Ignasi exam Exercise saved his life by helping him quit drinking in the late 1990s.
in the book, Bannon explained: “I could focus and get a practical program for each day. It's a five-step program to essentially become aware of God's presence in your life, God's presence as you review the day at the end of the day. Then also review the day with gratitude. Pay attention to what emotions you have about certain things. Choose, each day, what was the main characteristic of that day: that anger? Was it jealousy? It's just a way to conform. Read religious texts in a certain way. Basically, pray.”
Added America magazine: “The simple but powerful everyday technique exam it has become a tool for me to lead a better and fuller life. Daily exercise has helped me ground myself in understanding my failures from the previous day before moving on to the next day.”