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Fed operative and squeaky wheel Ray Epps gets fat from DOJ on bogus charges

Fed operative and squeaky wheel Ray Epps gets fat from DOJ on bogus charges

These dynamics cause unavoidable circumstances also become more common, especially for people who deceive Americans from the dark shadows of corruption, criminality and treason.

In the case of an entrapment operation that leverages federal assets while the dogs are whistling to lead innocent Americans exercising their First Amendment right into the trap, the likelihood that someone will capture the image, voice, and actions of ‘these assets in the film is considerably high.

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This is what happened to Epps; his cover literally blew and thanks to the investigation of the common man instead of the Department of Justice, which instead of doing its job, is facilitating sting operations to imprison Americans in an American gulag.

Capturing Epps’ image, voice and actions on film was a problematic ensemble unavoidable circumstances for the DOJ for 2.5 years.

Occam’s tells us the DOJ’s grease for Epps’ squeaky wheel unavoidable circumstances so is charging Epps, but only after enough people are outraged to force the issue.

Evidence of this can be seen in ZH’s reports: “The relentless attacks of Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in criminal charges.”


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