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FAKE NEWS On Warpath: MSM Gives GOP Negative Press 87% of the Time in the Midterms

If you’re a follower of RWR, you’ll know that I target the MSM heavily in my columns. They are not the objective providers of the fact that they dress up to be. And too many of our gullible population still believe they are. If they were, we wouldn’t have the person we have in the White House. They are paid loads by the Democratic Party. Literally, the propaganda arm of the DNC. President Trump was 100% right when he called them enemies of the people. – Sgt. rock

Gateway Expert:

A new study shows the extent to which the corporate press demonizes Republicans.

Ahead of the midterm elections, mainstream media networks are hammering the GOP with negative GOP coverage 87 percent of the time, according to a study by the Media Research Center.

As the networks broadcast a steady stream of negative coverage of Republicans, Democrats received negative press 67 percent of the time, the study shows.

The conservative media watchdog rated ABC, CBS and NBC’s nightly newscasts from September 1 to October 26.

According to MRC, “the Big Three newscasts aired 115 stories that mentioned or talked about the mid-term elections” with a total airtime of 213 minutes during the three-month period.

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A new study shows the extent to which the corporate press demonizes Republicans. Ahead of the midterm elections, mainstream media networks are hammering the GOP with negative GOP coverage 87 percent of the time, according to a study by the Media Research Center. As the networks broadcast a steady stream of negative coverage of…

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