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Facebook’s Twitter alternative is already censoring – Gab News

Meta-owned Instagram this week launched Threads, a competitor to Twitter, with the aim of diversifying its services. To no one’s surprise, Threads immediately began censoring and putting warning labels on the accounts of conservative users. The launch of Threads raises important questions about the Meta’s control over information, evident through early censorship of conservative users, and also about the role of alternative platforms like in countering the dominance of the big tech oligarchs.

Meta’s unparalleled control over the dissemination of information is a major topic of debate. The platform’s algorithms, which are designed to curate content based on user preferences, inadvertently create echo chambers and silos of information. This is in contrast to platforms like Gab which offer a chronological feed showing the latest posts allowing you to discover a wide variety of conversations on the platform as they happen thanks to Gab’s free speech policies.

By reinforcing users’ existing beliefs, Facebook, Instagram, and now Threads can shape the reality people experience online, dictating what they see and shielding them from dissenting viewpoints. This power is further amplified when Facebook collaborates with governments and activist groups that enable the manipulation of information and censorship of citizens on behalf of governments. Luckily a the judge ruled this week that this clear violation of the First Amendment in America must end.

With the launch of Threads, Facebook aims to compete with Twitter and tap into new user demographics. The first signs of censorship against conservative users in the first 24 hours after the launch of Threads are cause for concern. The rapid deletion of conservative voices reinforces concerns about Facebook’s control over what is considered “acceptable speech.” This incident raises questions about the platform’s commitment to encouraging open dialogue.

“The goal is to keep it friendly as it expands. I think it’s possible and will ultimately be the key to its success,” Zuckerberg wrote in a post Wednesday. If the goal is to keep it “friendly,” it means removing anything that might be considered “unfriendly” to various groups of people.

In practice, this seems to shut down conservatives to appease fragile liberal sentiments. Zuckerberg wants to mirror the fake and illusory Instagram experience in the Threads product, painting the picture of a world that is just “friendly” ponies and rainbows. This is not how the real world works and there is nothing beneficial to society in a platform that hides the truth from its users to protect their feelings and keep them in an imaginary world of illusion.

The emergence of platforms like Gab offers an alternative narrative to the status quo dominated by Facebook and other big tech giants. Gab positions itself as a platform that exists outside the control of these oligarchs, promising to offer users a space for freedom of expression. For those who feel marginalized or silenced within Facebook’s walled garden, Gab serves as a sanctuary where they can share ideas, opinions, and perspectives that may not align with the mainstream narrative.

Gab’s unique role in providing a space for people to access information and news that is often absent from mainstream platforms is becoming increasingly important. The social media landscape, largely controlled by a handful of influential entities, has the power to shape public opinion and control the narrative surrounding important issues. Alternative platforms like Gab challenge this dominance by allowing individuals to seek alternative sources of news and information. This diverse range of perspectives allows users to critically analyze mainstream narratives, fostering healthy skepticism and a deeper understanding of complex social issues.

One of the defining characteristics of Gab is its commitment to the defense of freedom of expression. While this commitment has sparked debate and controversy, it also plays a vital role in allowing people to express themselves without fear of censorship or retribution. Large tech platforms, influenced by various factors such as political pressures or corporate interests, engage in heavy-handed content moderation that limits the scope of speech. This is by design. Those in power don’t want you to think outside of their egalitarian liberal worldview. Gab, as a platform that values ​​unrestricted speech, allows marginalized voices to be heard and provides a space for “unpopular opinions.”

Gab’s role as an alternative platform that provides access to information and news not found on major tech platforms should not be underestimated. It provides an escape from the echo chamber, challenges media narratives, champions free speech and encourages healthy debate and critical thinking.

Facebook’s new Twitter competitor Threads is entering the social media arena amid concerns about the company’s control over the flow of information and news online. Early censorship by conservative users during the first 24 hours of the platform highlights the potential pitfalls of trusting a single entity with such immense power. It underscores the importance of alternative platforms like Gab, which strive to exist outside the influence of the big tech oligarchs, providing users with an outlet for expression and diverse perspectives. Fostering a balanced information ecosystem that maintains freedom of expression will be crucial to creating a healthier online space for everyone, and that’s what we aim to do here at Gab.

Andrew Bag
Jesus is King

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