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European Central Bank prepares for bailout and bank collapse, according to Whistleblower

European Central Bank prepares for bailout and bank collapse, according to Whistleblower

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Greg Reese recently released a video report on how banks are preparing to resort to “bail ins” where they would restrict depositors from accessing their own funds.

The video is just over 3 minutes long (the last part is commercials):

He played the clip from the recent FDIC meeting where he talked about the fragile condition of the banking system and the fear of bank runs, and we’ve covered that before as well:

Do FDIC bankers prepare for bank runs in the US?

A European Central Bank contractor whistleblower contacted Greg Reese after he released video excerpts of the recent FDIC meeting where bail-ins were discussed, alleging that he had been assigned an “urgent project” related to the preparation of rescues for Europe. Central Bank (ECB).

Bail ins, as opposed to bail outs, are when banks take money out of deposit accounts within that bank when a bank doesn’t have enough funds to meet its obligations.

According to this report by Greg Reese and information from his informant, the playbook for bank bailouts has already been written for Europe and preparations are underway for bank corrections.

The report is about 3 minutes long (the last part is ads).

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Posted on February 4, 2023

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