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Eli Crane says he's ready to continue the fight against weak Democrats and Republicans [VIDEO]

Eli Crane says he's ready to continue the fight against weak Democrats and Republicans [VIDEO]

In a recent speech, Rep. Eli Crane highlighted his unwavering dedication to representing his district and fighting radical agendas and weak Republicans. Expressing his gratitude to his supporters, Crane highlighted his good ratings with conservative organizations and the support of prominent figures, positioning himself as a firm and effective representative.

“Guys, thanks for coming out. Thanks for supporting me. It's been one of the honors of my life to represent this district,” Crane began. Acknowledging his humility, he added, “I'm going to humble myself and tell you, how I did last time, I don't think I'm the greatest congressman in the world. OK, I don't know everything, but I love this damn country, and I'm tired of seeing it destroyed by radicals and weak Republicans.

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Crane reaffirmed his commitment to his promises and his willingness to take tough positions. “That's why I've gone, and I've actually done what I told you I'd do. I told you I'd fight for you. I told you I'd be voted hard, even if it meant putting myself in the political process. And that's exactly what's going on here. I told you they were coming after me. You know what. I'm glad they're coming after me. It means I'm effective and they see me as a threat.”

Encouraging continued support, Crane stated, “Here's what I'll tell you, if you want me to come back to Washington and continue to fight for you, and yes, that means against Republicans who do 'I don't do what they say they're going to do, and the Democrats, I will continue to do so.”

Highlighting his endorsements and ratings, Crane noted, “I'm endorsed by President Trump, Congressman Andy Biggs, Congressman Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, Dr. Ben Carson and so many others. I'm endorsed by the Club for Growth. I have a 100% score with CPAC. I have a 100% score with Turning Point USA.”

Crane also announced an upcoming rally, inviting his followers to attend. “We're having a rally here in Prescott on June 24th with probably Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar. I'd love to see you there. I'll be with the fighters because I'm always here. Thanks guys for go out. God bless you.”

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