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Don’t be stupid: The US economy lost 2.5 million jobs last month

Don’t be stupid: The US economy lost 2.5 million jobs last month

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I can not anymore. Fake numbers released by the government are turned into fake news by the corporate media, and many Americans don’t even realize they’re being scammed.

Major media outlets across the country are breathlessly heralding the “big box office jobs report” as if it were a sign from heaven that good economic times are ahead. We are told that the US economy added 517,000 jobs last month, but that is not true. Unfortunately, the truth is that the US economy lost 2.5 million jobs in January.

Yes, you read that correctly. So how does a loss of 2.5 million jobs turn into a “gain” of 517,000 jobs? Every month, government bureaucrats make “adjustments” to the numbers they see fit, and at this point their “adjustments” have become so absurd that they’ve turned the monthly employment report into a total farce.

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