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Donald Trump, with Majority Support, Takes 30-Point Lead over Crowded 2024 GOP Primary Field

The news today is a resounding confirmation of what many of us have known for some time: Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party. A new poll released today shows that the former President has a commanding 30-point lead over the rest of the crowded field of potential 2024 GOP primary candidates.

This is a remarkable achievement for a man who only left office a few months ago. It’s a testament to the strength of his base and the unwavering support he enjoys among grassroots Republicans. It’s also a sign that the GOP is firmly in the hands of President Trump and his supporters.

This poll is an unmistakable message to the Republican Party establishment: Donald Trump is the leader of the party, and his policies and ideas will continue to shape its future. The GOP must embrace the Trump agenda if it wants to remain relevant and competitive in the years ahead.

The Trump White House administration was one of the most successful in modern history. During his time in office, President Trump achieved a booming economy, historic tax cuts, a strong military, and a pro-growth agenda that put America first. He also appointed hundreds of conservative judges to the federal bench, moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and brokered historic peace deals in the Middle East. All of these accomplishments will remain part of the Trump legacy for years to come.

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