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DeSantis Gives National Democrats a Terrifying Message About What Happened to Their Florida Brethren: ‘A Dead, Rotten Carcass’

DeSantis Gives National Democrats a Terrifying Message About What Happened to Their Florida Brethren: ‘A Dead, Rotten Carcass’

In the wake of the 2020 election, Republican Ron DeSantis has emerged as a powerful figure in the national political landscape. After winning the Florida gubernatorial race in 2018, DeSantis has continued to make a name for himself as a staunch conservative who is willing to take on the Democratic Party and its policies.

In a recent interview, DeSantis gave a chilling message to national Democrats about what happened to their Florida brethren: “A dead, rotten carcass.” His point was that Democrats in the state had become too complacent and failed to keep up with the changing political environment in the Sunshine State.

DeSantis’ message is a stark reminder of the power of the Republican Party in Florida, and the consequences of complacency. In the 2018 election, DeSantis won by a wide margin over his Democratic opponent, Andrew Gillum. This was a stunning result for a state that had been reliably Democratic for decades.

DeSantis’ victory demonstrated that the Republican Party is now firmly in control of Florida politics. The GOP has made sweeping gains in recent years, and Democrats have been unable to stem the tide.

DeSantis’ message to national Democrats should serve as a warning. The Republican Party is now firmly in control of the state, and it will take a concerted effort from Democrats to regain the ground they have lost.

The Democratic Party must focus on connecting with voters and convincing them that their policies are the right ones for the state. It will also take a strong and unified message from the party’s leaders.

DeSantis’ message should be taken seriously by Democrats. If they don’t take action, they could find themselves in a similar situation to their Florida brethren: a dead, rotten carcass.

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