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Democrat caught filling in absentees in primaries…

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The Blaze:

A man who narrowly lost his bid to be the Democratic nominee in the upcoming mayoral race in Bridgeport, Conn., has announced that he intends to contest the results of the primary after surveillance footage suggested he might there has been electoral fraud.

On September 12, Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim narrowly defeated Democratic challenger John Gomes by a margin of 251 votes. Primary Election Day ballots favored Gomes, but after absentee ballots were counted later that night, Ganim prevailed over Gomes, 4,212 to 3,961.

Gomes, a 52-year-old immigrant from the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of West Africa, never conceded the race. Then, four days later, his campaign posted a video on its Facebook page that appeared to contain footage of Bridgeport City Hall. The message accompanying the video calls it “surveillance video that proves the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen by City Hall corruption through absentee ballot tampering.”

In the video, a woman wearing a light-colored dress and shoes appears to make repeated trips to a ballot box located outside City Hall. While there, he appears to deposit stacks of what Gomes has assumed are “absentee ballots.” Timestamps on the video show him making three stops at the box office in the early morning hours of Sept. 5: once at 5:42 a.m., then again about a minute later, and a third time at 6:00 a.m.: 39 am

The video also indicates that he stood and watched as a man, allegedly a city employee, appeared to make another deposit in the ballot box around 7:18 a.m.

Interestingly, when Democrats themselves engage in disputes over voter fraud, video evidence and witnesses are suddenly deemed “credible.” This is a stark contrast to his reactions when witnesses and hours of footage suggested possible cheating during the 2020 (and 2022) elections.

When the right raises concerns about deception, the left, including its state media stooges, collectively repeat the “there’s no evidence” narrative, saying it over and over again, as if repetition equals truth.

It’s the old “no proof is proof” theory, a belief held by liars and simpletons. Essentially, this theory asserts that the absence of criminal charges proves that voter fraud is not real. The biggest flaw in this cockamamie theory is that voter fraud tends to occur in areas under complete Democrat (or RINO) control, where there is no motivation to uncover the truth. That is, until the Democrats use their own cheating tactics against each other. Then all bets are off. This exact scenario played out during a Democratic primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and now, allegations of cheating are flying fast and furious.

The woman who stuffed the ballots is a very old black woman who works for the city.

Bomb Video:

The woman in the video has been identified as Wanda Geter-Pataky. She is a city employee and a longtime supporter of Mayor Ganim. However, she has been shrouded in much controversy and mystery over the years, thanks to other “close wins” by her favorite mayor. The Blaze garment keep on:

Mayor Ganim also has a history of sordid political behavior. In fact, his tenure as mayor — which began all the way back in 1991 — was cut short 12 years later when he resigned following a conviction for crimes related to accepting bribes and kickbacks while in office. He spent seven years behind bars before returning to the outside world, where he made an impressive comeback, winning re-election to the mayoralty in 2015 and re-election four years later.

Ganim, now 63, has responded to these latest allegations against his campaign supporters. “I want to state unequivocally that I do not, in any way, condone actions taken by anyone, including any campaign, city or elected official, that undermine the integrity of the election process or city property,” he said in a statement. Monday. “The Bridgeport Police Department is actively investigating all of these matters and my administration will continue to update the public as we learn more.”

Bridgeport law enforcement has opened an investigation into the incident. However, predictably, they have also launched an investigation into the unauthorized release of City Council surveillance footage. Indeed, they should be grateful to this person, but as always, Demos does not like whistleblowers when someone “leaks” their little election secrets.



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