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Dem squad members money trail leads to Hamas terror linked groups [VIDEO]

Dem squad members money trail leads to Hamas terror linked groups [VIDEO]

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) of the infamous “Squad” has been found to have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a consulting firm run by an anti-Israel activist with ties to Palestinian terrorist factions. Federal Election Commission documents show Tlaib has run $435,000 in payments labeled as “fundraising consultancy” on Unbought Power since 2020.

Rasha Mubarak, a close ally of Tlaib and the operator of Unbought Power, has been involved with organizations linked to terrorism in the United States. That raises concerns about Tlaib's associations and his continued anti-Israel rhetoric, which has drawn criticism from both Republicans and Democrats. In addition, the unbought power has been revealed to have connections to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and other terrorist factions operating in the region.

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It's worth noting that a joint fundraising committee, which includes staff members like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN ), also paid $86,000 to Mubarak's consulting firm. Mubarak has previously made an alarming statement denying Israel's right to defend itself against terrorist acts.

This recent discovery has sparked discontent among left-leaning, pro-Palestinian Democrats in Tlaib's home state of Michigan. They are not happy with Joe Biden's support for Israel during its conflict with Hamas. While some perceive Biden's position as a calculated move for the 2024 election, others decry his failure to distance himself from activists with anti-Israel sentiments.

Will Reinert, a spokesman for the Republican National Congressional Committee, accuses Democrats of prioritizing their pro-terrorist base and abandoning their support for Israel to gain political advantage in Michigan. That shift aligns with growing concern among Republicans that Biden is not doing enough to distance himself from anti-Israel activists who advocate terrorism.

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From 2023 to 2024 alone, Tlaib's campaign and leadership PAC have given $139,000 to Unbought Power, with $43,000 going to Mubarak's company this year. It has also been revealed that Mubarak serves as press contact for the Arizona-based charity Alliance for Global Justice, which has faced criticism and seen its financial support severed over the ties with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

In addition, Mubarak serves as chairman of the advocacy arm of the United States Campaign for Palestinian Rights, which has sponsored the National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Committee. This committee reportedly includes members affiliated with Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights shares close ties with the Alliance for Global Justice, as their joint project, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, is a founding member of the BDS National Committee .

As of now, the defense arm of Unbought Power has filed documents indicating that it will be dissolved. However, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit group has not yet filed the required termination report by May 31. If this report has not been submitted, there may be a 2024 registration fee.

Requests for comment from Mubarak and the Alliance for Global Justice have gone unanswered. It is also worth mentioning that Mubarak was a senior staff member of the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) from 2015 to 2018. CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a funding case of 2009 terrorism involving Hamas. In particular, the Biden regime has distanced itself from CAIR following its director's statements in support of the Hamas-led attack on Israel.

This significant revelation raises serious concerns about Rep. Rashida Tlaib's associations and the alignment of her campaign funds with an activist-led consulting firm linked to anti-Israel sentiment and terrorist-linked groups. It remains to be seen how this new information will affect Tlaib's reputation and political standing going forward.

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