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Cruz Reveals What Secret Briefings Said About Chinese Spy Balloons Under Trump – ‘Hundreds of Classified Briefings’

Cruz Reveals What Secret Briefings Said About Chinese Spy Balloons Under Trump – ‘Hundreds of Classified Briefings’

In a recent interview, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) revealed that he had received hundreds of classified briefings about China’s use of spy balloons during the Trump administration.

The senator stated that the briefings had been “very alarming,” and that the Chinese government had been using balloons to collect intelligence and data from U.S. citizens. The balloons, called “Tianyan” balloons, were reportedly deployed in large numbers and were capable of collecting data from a wide area.

Cruz stated that the briefings had revealed that the balloons had been used to collect information on U.S. military personnel, government officials, and private citizens. The senator also said that the balloons had been used to monitor the movements of U.S. citizens in China and the United States.

The senator went on to say that the Trump administration had been aware of the balloons, but had not taken any action to stop their use or to protect U.S. citizens from their surveillance. Cruz also stated that the Trump administration had not taken any action to hold China accountable for their actions.

In response to Cruz’s revelations, the Biden administration has promised to take action to address China’s use of spy balloons. The administration has stated that it will work to protect U.S. citizens from the surveillance of foreign governments, and will take a strong stance against any nation that attempts to violate U.S. citizens’ privacy.

The revelations from Senator Cruz have raised serious concerns about the Trump administration’s inaction on the issue of Chinese spy balloons. While the Biden administration has promised to take action, it remains to be seen what steps they will take to protect U.S. citizens from foreign surveillance.

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