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Corporate Media Cover For Biden Amid Worst Illegal Immigration Influx In U.S. History Biden is back to ignoring the border, and his allies in the corp…

Corporate Media Cover For Biden Amid Worst Illegal Immigration Influx In U.S. History Biden is back to ignoring the border, and his allies in the corp…

The Biden administration has been accused of turning a blind eye to the worst illegal immigration crisis in U.S. history, despite the president’s promises to take a hard stance on the issue. The corporate media, however, has largely overlooked the issue, choosing instead to focus on the president’s other initiatives.

The current influx of illegal immigrants is unprecedented, with more than 172,000 migrants apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border in March 2021 alone. This is the highest number since 2006, and the Biden administration has yet to take any concrete steps to address the issue. Instead, the president has focused on other issues, such as passing a $2 trillion infrastructure bill and expanding the Affordable Care Act.

The corporate media has largely followed the president’s lead, choosing to focus on the more positive aspects of his agenda rather than the crisis at the border. This is especially true of the major cable networks, which have devoted little time to the issue. Even when they do cover it, they tend to focus on the human aspect of the crisis, rather than the policy implications.

This lack of coverage is concerning, as it allows the Biden administration to avoid accountability for its inaction. It also allows the president to avoid criticism from his political opponents, who have been vocal in their criticism of the administration’s handling of the issue.

The corporate media’s failure to cover the issue is especially concerning given the severity of the crisis. The Biden administration must take action to address the issue, and the corporate media must do its part by covering it in a meaningful way. Only then can the public be fully informed about the situation and hold the administration accountable for its actions.

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