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Comedian Ricky Gervais goes viral for satirizing self-important celebrities who push his politics

British comedian Ricky Gervais has become an unexpected ally of conservatives in the culture wars.

Whereas Gervais is a known atheistand hardly a conservative in most respects, he has become an adept critic of the hypocrisy of the woke left, especially the elite leftists of Western society.

After going viral in 2016 for his scathing speech condemning celebrity activism at the Golden Globes, Gervais hasn't let go of his vicious satire of the smart set.

In fact, as you can see in this viral sketch he shared on his X account, he was just getting started.


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Gervais, in an extreme close-up, recorded himself in black and white while sitting in a bathtub, satirizing the two of Madonna. weird bathtub covid video in 2020, as well as the provocative “I take responsibility” video from the same year where a litany of celebrities “owned their racism” in the wake of the BLM riots.

Gervais began: “Hi guys, this is Ricky G., wellness and beauty influencer.”

Continuing with the hollow smile all too common in these types of “serious” videos, Gervais said: “As a celebrity, I know all about things. Like science and politics, so trust me when I tell you who you should vote”.

Did Ricky Gervais make a good point in this video?

At this point, his little skit was barely satire.

How many celebrities have decided that everyone has to listen to their pontifications on complicated political issues?

From the actress Ellen Page rambling on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” in 2019 about the attack discredited since then on actor Jussie Smollett and then-Vice President Mike Pence's record in the group of celebrities who grace the National Democratic Convention every election cycle, too many famous faces think their talent in one field made them experts in all fields.

But Gervais had more to say.

He continued along these lines saying that “if you don't vote correctly, it's like a hate crime. It makes me sad and it makes me angry, and I'm leaving the country. You don't want that.”


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And the final seconds of the video played with Gervais again looking vaguely at the camera.

If only one of the 10 celebrities who, according to The Hollywood Reportersaid they would leave the country if trump won 2016 really did.

Americans could at least respect them for consistency if nothing else.

Now, again, though Gervais he is not what most would call a conservative, he has been afraid to call it nonsense and hypocrisy.

He had no problem telling celebrities at the 2016 Golden Globes that “You're in no position to lecture an audience about anything. You don't know anything about the real world. Most of you spent less time in the school than Greta Thunberg The Hollywood Reporter pointed out.

Similarly, he had no problem threading transgender nonsense into his 2022 comedy special “SuperNature,” which, as the New York Post reported at the time, it earned him considerable backlash online.

Although, in this video, Gervais did not name any political positions by name, most of what he was satirizing were those on the left, Democratic celebrities who think that everyone wants to hear their positions on politics.

In fact, the references to “hate crime” and “leaving the country” are specifically aimed at leftists.

Based on the number of views and likes the video has received, Gervais' silly scheme clearly struck a nerve.

Since June 9, the video has amassed more than 2 million views, with 31,000 likes and almost 2,000 comments, mostly positive.

Most people, it seems, are as sick of virtue signaling as Gervais is, with nausea political celebrities.

In an entertainment climate suffocated by suffocating conformity, at least Gervais is one of the few willing to call out the hypocrisy.

Based on the response to his skit, the world could use more comics like him.

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