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CNN Poll: Most Americans Think Biden Directly Involved in Hunter Dealings While Vice President

Most Americans, 61%, Consider that President Joe Biden was involved in his son Hunter’s dealings with Ukraine and China while serving as Vice President. under Barack Obama, according to a CNN poll made by SSRS.

Besides, 42% say they believe they acted illegally, while 18% say Biden was “unethical” but not illegal. Another 38% said they don’t believe Biden was involved in Hunter’s dealings, while 1% believe he was involved but did nothing wrong.

55% of respondents says Biden acted inappropriately during the investigations into Hunter Biden’s alleged crimeswhile 44% believe Biden acted appropriately.

The survey came before special counsel David Weiss said in a court filing Wednesday that he intends to seek an indictment of Hunter Biden on gun charges later this month.. President Biden has done it he denied being involved in any of his son’s business dealings, and House Oversight Republicans have presented no direct evidence that the president personally benefited from any of them.

Americans’ views on Joe Biden’s conduct related to Hunter Biden are largely divided along partisan lines. Less than a third of Democrats believe Biden was involved in his son’s businesses., or who has acted inappropriately with respect to the investigation. Even Among Democratic-aligned voters who say they would prefer to see their party nominate someone else in next year’s presidential election, only 37% believe Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business dealings., and only 29% consider their actions regarding the investigation to be inappropriate. In response to an open-ended question asking about their biggest concern about Joe Biden as a candidate, almost none mentioned the situation regarding Hunter Biden. – CNN

Meanwhile, a large majority of Republicans, 76%, believe Biden acted illegally in dealing with Hunter’s business, while 90% say he behaved inappropriately during the subsequent investigation into his son.

Among independentists, 64% believe Biden had some involvement in Hunter’s dealings while he was vice president, but 39% said he acted illegally in doing so. 52% say Biden acted inappropriately during the investigation.



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