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Clerk Shot in Back by Robbery Suspect, But He Pulls Out a Gun and Lands Deadly Shot

Clerk Shot in Back by Robbery Suspect, But He Pulls Out a Gun and Lands Deadly Shot

On the evening of February 20th, a clerk at a convenience store in a small town in Ohio had a harrowing experience that ended with a deadly shot.

The clerk, who has not been identified, was shot in the back by an alleged robbery suspect. However, the clerk was able to pull out a gun and return fire, fatally wounding the suspect.

The incident began when the suspect, who has also not been identified, entered the convenience store and allegedly attempted to rob it. The clerk, who was alone in the store, was shot in the back by the suspect.

Despite the wound, the clerk was able to turn around and draw his own gun. He then fired a shot at the suspect, fatally wounding him.

The clerk was taken to the hospital, where he is in stable condition. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

The incident is being investigated by local law enforcement. It is unclear what motivated the suspect to attempt the robbery.

This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that convenience store clerks face on a daily basis. It also serves as a testament to the courage and resourcefulness of the clerk, who was able to defend himself despite being shot in the back.

The clerk’s actions should be commended, and we can only hope that such incidents of violence will not become commonplace in the future.

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