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CBDCs Are Coming and the Elite Plan to Use These ‘Digital Currencies’ to Enslave Humanity |

Central bank digital currencies are being developed feverishly around the world, and this is something that should deeply alarm us all.

For a moment, I’d like you to imagine a world where the government knows instantly every time you buy or sell something. No transaction would ever be truly private, not even the most personal or embarrassing ones. Also, your money wouldn’t really be yours with this system. Your access to the digital currency system would be a privilege that could be suspended or revoked with the click of a mouse. Suddenly you wouldn’t be able to buy or sell anything and you would become an outcast in society. Under no circumstances should any government ever be given this power.

Unfortunately, CBDCs are coming and will radically change the way commerce is done.

Here in the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has posted a job listing for a “Senior Crypto Architect” to work on the development of a digital dollar.

US Representative Warren Davidson is very upset about this, because he believes that a CBDC issued by the Federal Reserve would be “the financial equivalent of the Death Star”…


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