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Canada now sacrifices dozens of citizens every day

Canada's far-left government is euthanizing a staggering average of 36 citizens every day under the country's “assisted suicide” laws.

As Slay News has done reportedCanada has some of the most liberal euthanasia laws in the world.

In recent years, the government has increasingly relaxed laws that were originally intended to give the terminally ill the option to die.

However, the broadening of the laws means that people can now be slaughtered for much less serious matters such as depression, homelessnessor mental illness.

The laws have even been expanded to include “mature minors” with a push to expand to infants.

A report has revealed that the average number of citizens sacrificed in Canada it has skyrocketed in recent years.

In accordance with Cheers CanadaIn the recent government-assisted suicide report, euthanasia accounted for 4.1 percent of deaths nationwide last year.

The figure represents a significant increase from 3.3% in 2021.

The 2022 report on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) was published last October.

It revealed that euthanasia has claimed the lives of about 45,000 Canadians since it was first legalized in 2016.

About 1,018 Canadians were killed by government-assisted suicide in 2016.

By 2022, that number had skyrocketed to an alarming 13,241.

That means an average of 36 people were euthanized per day in Canada last year.

It also means that there has been an average annual growth rate of 31.1 percent since 2019.

According to the data, at least 81 percent of written MAID requests were granted.

However, of the remaining 19 percent, only 3.5 percent of applicants were deemed ineligible for the AMM, a number that has been declining since 2019.

Many people who were denied assisted suicide by the government were turned away because of a lack of patient capacity.

Alarmingly, they would otherwise have been euthanized if enough beds were available.

According to the Canadian Reformed Political Action Association (ARPA Canada), Quebec and British Columbia have the highest rates of euthanasia, accounting for 6.6% and 5.5% of all deaths to these provinces, respectively.

Meanwhile, Newfoundland and Labrador and Manitoba have the lowest rates, with euthanasia accounting for just 1.5 percent and 2.1 percent of all deaths, respectively.

According to Health Canada, to be eligible for WMA, a person must experience “intolerable physical or psychological suffering caused by their medical condition or state of decline and which cannot be relieved under conditions that the individual consider acceptable”.

A survey of MDA recipients has shown that the main source of their “intolerable suffering” is the “loss of [their] ability to participate in meaningful life activities”.

86% of respondents suffer from it.

At least 82 percent reported that they had lost the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL).

Additionally, respondents were able to select more than one option, bringing the total to over 100 percent.

Pro-life advocate Amanda Achtman said this confirms that “euthanasia is primarily [an] existential issue, not pain management or medical.”

Before March 17, 2024, people with mental illness as their only underlying medical condition will be eligible for MAID.

However, some health experts argue that mental illness alone should not be a criterion for assisted dying.

Sonu Gaind, the chief psychiatrist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto, explained that it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a mental illness is truly incurable, as required by law, and to differentiate between pathological suicide and the rational desire to die.

Gaind added that even health experts do not fully understand the biology of most mental illnesses.

Meanwhile, activists have warned that the expansion of assisted dying in Canada puts people with intellectual and physical disabilities, low incomes or other vulnerabilities at risk.

In an interview, Michelle Hewitt, co-chair of the advocacy group Disability Without Poverty, cited the widely reported case of Sean Tagert as an example.

Tagert is a British Columbia man diagnosed Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease.

He opted for medically assisted dying in 2019 after struggling to receive 24-hour care.

Tagert was very clear about what he wanted, which was more hours of care at home.

When told she would have to move to a care facility away from her family, especially her young son, she opted for euthanasia.

According to her family's heartbreaking social media posts, finding care was “a constant struggle and a source of stress” for Tagert.

As of 2022 and early 2023, reports reveal that Veterans Affairs officials have also offered government-assisted suicide to military veterans.

In one case, a Canadian Forces veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a traumatic brain injury was shocked. when it was offered to him MERCHANDISE by a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employee.

Multiple sources confirmed that the combat veteran never raised the issue nor did he ask about MAID and was “deeply disturbed by the suggestion”.

While there have been follow-up calls from the agency, which wanted to apologize to the veteran, sources say the calls only came after the veteran filed several complaints with the VAC.

In a statement, the VAC acknowledged that its employee discussed MAID with the veteran inappropriately.

The agency is currently investigating the incident and will take “appropriate administrative action.”

However, the VAC declined to discuss the nature of the ongoing investigation or the details of what consequences the employee could face due to privacy concerns.

The department has also declined to answer questions about how many times assisted dying has been offered to veterans through its employees, or what guidance those employees were given to offer such shocking “advice.”

READ MORE: Canada begins replacing meat with insects for public consumption


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