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Can a slogan “Trump was right” be a winning issue in 2024? Trump can win over independent voters by reminding them he was right on big issues – The Donald – America First

Can a slogan “Trump was right” be a winning issue in 2024?  Trump can win over independent voters by reminding them he was right on big issues – The Donald – America First

Operation Warp Speed ​​was a success. Vaccines were the failure.

Trump often doesn’t take enough time to get his points across and when you know what he’s trying to get across it can be frustrating.

Operation Warp Speed ​​was a clone of the World War II process in which the government and private business worked together to obtain weapons and supplies in a hurry.

He is proud of it and at some point he will have to differentiate it from the vaccines themselves.

He did what was necessary so that the drug companies could do their part, and then they got dirty with slimy practices and subsequent government mandates.

It’s also ironic that the least dangerous vaccine ended up being the one Trump promoted and the government talked crap about – J&J

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