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California’s HPV vaccine mandate would have no personal belief exemptions: The Donald – America First

California’s HPV vaccine mandate would have no personal belief exemptions: The Donald – America First

The first HPV vaccine caused cancer, so it was withdrawn.

These are vaccines to take cash, there are between 100 and 1000 strains of HPV. They exist with people in a pseudo-equilibrium. Viruses as a whole want to evolve into a niche, and many viruses like herpes beta everyone has, but no one knows they do. Before the vaccine, many people had HPV and never developed cancer. The virus was never associated with cancers, but cancer was sometimes associated with the virus.

The vaccine targeted the most common strains, and they were immediately replaced by far more cancerous strains. Suddenly, cervical cancers increased for everyone, because the vaccine changed the natural strains and the rates increased.

Now we are also starting to see the effect of the chicken pox vaccine, with people in their 20s and 30s developing severe cases of shingles.

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