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Californians Literally Breathing in Mexican Sewage — And Study Claims That Isn’t All

Californians Literally Breathing in Mexican Sewage — And Study Claims That Isn’t All

Californians are used to dealing with smog and air pollution, but a recent study has revealed an even more pressing concern: residents of Southern California are literally breathing in Mexican sewage.

This shocking reality is a result of sewage and wastewater from Tijuana’s deteriorating infrastructure flowing across the border and contaminating California’s waterways and air. The issue is particularly prominent during rainy seasons, when Tijuana’s aging sewage system is unable to handle the high volume of water.

According to the study, over the course of a single year, an estimated 138 million gallons of raw sewage flowed into the Tijuana River and eventually reached the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego. This contamination not only poses a threat to the health of marine life, but also to humans who swim, surf, or fish in the affected waters.

However, the problem doesn’t stop there. The study also found that sewage particles are being picked up by the wind and carried inland, causing air pollution that Californians are breathing in on a daily basis. The contaminated air can lead to a variety of health issues, including respiratory problems, headaches, and nausea.

This issue has become increasingly urgent due to worsening climate change that is leading to more frequent and severe weather events, such as heavy rainfalls and flooding. Until the infrastructure in Tijuana is updated, Californians will continue to be at risk of breathing in Mexican sewage.

The problem has caught the attention of policymakers, with California Governor Gavin Newsom recently writing a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency urging them to take action. However, finding a solution will require cross-border cooperation and coordinated efforts from both the US and Mexican governments.

In the meantime, Californians are left to wonder what they can do to protect themselves from breathing in contaminated air. Experts recommend avoiding outdoor activities during rainy weather and investing in air purifiers and masks to filter out harmful particles.

It’s clear that this issue is not just a problem for Mexico or California alone, but a global issue that requires immediate attention and collaboration to ensure the health and safety of all those affected.

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