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Boy, 14, Dies After Cardiac Arrest, Being Thrown Off Bull at Rodeo: ‘A Nightmare for the Rest of My Life’

Boy, 14, Dies After Cardiac Arrest, Being Thrown Off Bull at Rodeo: ‘A Nightmare for the Rest of My Life’

On August 14, 2020, a 14-year-old boy tragically died after suffering a cardiac arrest after being thrown off a bull at a rodeo in Canada. The boy, identified as Cody Dearing, was participating in a rodeo event at the Strathmore Stampede in Alberta when he was thrown off the bull and suffered a cardiac arrest.

Cody’s father, Brian, was watching the event and rushed to his son’s side as soon as he saw what had happened. He and other bystanders performed CPR on Cody until paramedics arrived and transported him to a nearby hospital. Unfortunately, Cody was unable to be revived and passed away at the hospital.

The family has since released a statement saying they are “devastated” by the loss of their beloved son and brother. They also expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of support they’ve received from their community.

The incident has caused the Dearing family great pain and sorrow, and will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Brian Dearing said of the tragedy, “It’s a nightmare for the rest of my life.”

The incident has sparked a discussion about the safety of rodeo events, as this is not the first time a tragedy like this has occurred. The Canadian Professional Rodeo Association has released a statement saying they are “shocked and saddened” by the incident and are working with local authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding Cody’s death.

Cody was a beloved son, brother, and friend who will be greatly missed. His family is asking for privacy during this difficult time and has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral expenses.

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