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Biden’s Release of the ‘Merchant of Death’ Backfires as It’s Revealed What He’s Up to in Russia

Biden’s Release of the ‘Merchant of Death’ Backfires as It’s Revealed What He’s Up to in Russia

Title: Biden’s Release of the ‘Merchant of Death’ Backfires as It’s Revealed What He’s Up to in Russia


A decision made by President Joe Biden to release the infamous “Merchant of Death” from prison has raised eyebrows and led to growing concerns. The Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout, who was incarcerated in the United States for nearly a decade, has now resurfaced in Russia with alarming new activities. With the release apparently failing to achieve its intended objectives, questions are being raised about the potential consequences and motivations behind this controversial move.

The Notorious Merchant of Death

Viktor Bout became known as the “Merchant of Death” due to his extensive arms trafficking operation. Arrested in Bangkok in 2008 in an undercover operation led by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bout faced charges related to conspiring to sell millions of dollars’ worth of weapons to Colombian rebels. Eventually extradited to the United States, he was sentenced in 2012 to 25 years in prison for conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists.

Surprising Release and Puzzling Consequences

The Biden administration’s decision to release Viktor Bout, supposedly as part of a goodwill gesture towards Russia, has come as a shock to many. Critics argue that releasing a notorious arms dealer raises serious questions about national security, counterterrorism efforts, and the commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Moreover, the consequences of Bout’s release are proving to be far from desirable. Reports indicate that Bout has returned to Russia and seemingly resumed activities closely related to his illicit arms trade. As a result, concerns are mounting that his release may have inadvertently provided a new lease of life to a dangerous arms network.

Revelations of Resurfaced Activities

Recent revelations from intelligence agencies suggest that Bout’s connections and influence have expanded since his return to Russia. Reports indicate that he is actively involved in orchestrating arms deals, providing advisory services to various arms dealers, and potentially facilitating the supply of weapons to regions of conflict, including hotspots in Africa and the Middle East.

This resurgence of Viktor Bout’s illicit arms activities raises serious security concerns for nations across the globe. It also undermines the credibility of the Biden administration’s decision to release a known perpetrator of illegal arms trafficking.

Unanswered Questions and Potential Motives

The motivation behind the Biden administration’s decision to release Viktor Bout remains a matter of speculation. Critics argue that it may be part of a broader effort to mend strained relations with Russia or an attempt to establish goodwill ahead of future negotiations.

However, these motives do not justify jeopardizing global security and the fight against illegal arms trafficking. The release of a notorious arms dealer such as Bout sends a troubling message, undermining efforts to combat terrorism and curb the proliferation of weapons.


President Joe Biden’s release of Viktor Bout, known as the ‘Merchant of Death,’ has backfired spectacularly. With Bout’s resurfaced activities in Russia indicating a continuation of his illicit arms trade, serious questions are being raised about the wisdom and consequences of this decision.

The unintentional revival of Viktor Bout’s activities poses a threat to global security and undermines international efforts to combat arms trafficking. The Biden administration and law enforcement agencies must reassess their actions and take necessary measures to address the grave risks associated with releasing high-profile criminals involved in such nefarious activities. Failure to do so could have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the release itself.

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