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Biden official clarifies Ukraine misuse of US financial aid – The Donald – America First

Biden official clarifies Ukraine misuse of US financial aid – The Donald – America First


“This committee has learned that an official, whose position had no apparent intelligence-related role, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the last year of the Obama administration. Of those, only requests, only one offered a justification that was not common and articulated why that specific official required information from the United States person in the performance of his official duties.”

This unnamed person is almost certainly former UN Ambassador Samantha Power. Interestingly, Power has denied that she was the person making the unmasking requests.

“His testimony is that they may be under my name, but I didn’t make those requests,” then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R.C.) said of Power during an interview with Bret Baier of Fox News in October 2017.

Nunes’ letter also specified that Obama officials sought information from intelligence reports that was specific to “Trump transition officials”:

“The Committee also understands that Obama-era officials sought the identities of Trump transition officials within intelligence reports. However, those officials offered no meaningful explanation as to why they needed or how they would use such United States person information, and therefore the Committee has the impression that such officials may have used such information for improper purposes, including the possibility of leaking. More specifically, some of the requests for unminimized U.S. person information were followed by anonymous leaks of those names to the media.”

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