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Biden Mulling Plan to Grant 'Amnesty' to 1 Million Illegal Aliens

Democratic President Joe Biden's White House is currently mulling a plan that would give about a million illegal aliens a “path” to the US voter rolls.

Amid growing pressure from the Democrats' left wing, Biden has hinted that more liberal moves on immigration could be coming in the coming weeks.

Reports suggest Biden is considering a deportation shield for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already living in the US

Last week, Biden announced an executive order to limit the ability of illegals to seek asylum at the southern border.

However, the measure still allows an unprecedented flow of foreigners to cross the border illegally every day.

Republicans felt the order was insufficient.

Also, it has not yet had any impact on the number of borders.

The move has also drawn the ire of liberals, prompting condemnation from some Democratic lawmakers.

Meanwhile, civil rights groups issued immediate lawsuit threats.

In announcing the executive order, Biden appeared to anticipate criticism from the left.

The president has been teasing moves to make the immigration system “fairer.”

“Today I talked about what we need to do to secure the border,” he said Tuesday.

“In the coming weeks, and I mean the coming weeks, I'm going to be talking about how we can make our immigration system fairer and fairer.”

The rules will only be more “fair” and “just” for those who disobey US immigration laws, and not those who enter the country legally.

Several media outlets have since reported that the White House is considering a “parole” move to apply for illegal alien spouses of US citizens.

Parole is already being used in one-year increments for family members of members of the US military.

It protects them from deportation and grants them a work permit.

The New York Times reported that the program for spouses could include the ability of some spouses to obtain a path to citizenship and thus the right to vote.

However, these details are still unclear.

“As we've said before, the Administration continues to explore a range of policy options, and we remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system,” a White House spokesman said in a statement in response to the reports.

The Biden administration has used parole more broadly to admit more than 1,500 a day through ports of entry using the CBP One application.

30,000 illegals a month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela are also using parole processes.

Parole has been rumored as a possible administration move for months and has been directly called for by open border advocates., an illegal immigration advocacy group, estimates that there are approximately 1.1 million spouses of US citizens living in the US illegally.

“Mr. Biden can rise to the occasion by using the parole power to deliver on his promise to keep families together,” said Andrea Flores, vice president of immigration policy and campaigns at the Times. op-ed.

The call itself comes after Biden has pushed for years for a Day One immigration bill that would include a path to citizenship for millions of illegals as part of a package of immigration reform. wider immigration.

He has not managed to get off the ground in Congress, where he has faced significant Republican opposition.

A separate bipartisan bill introduced in the Senate earlier this year has also garnered administration support, but has not garnered enough support.

An additional parole measure would likely face strong resistance from immigration hawks, who have accused Biden of using the parole authority illegally and putting illegal aliens ahead of North American citizens. americans

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) has called any such move an “abuse” of parole authority to grant “amnesty” to illegal immigrants.

“While these so-called mixed-status families may elicit sympathy, our immigration laws have a process for illegal alien spouses of US citizens to follow to absolve their violations, a process that the Biden Administration is ignoring to ease the burden on illegal aliens.” AFPI's Robert Law he said last month.

“This parole scheme could also be a starting point for 'parole in place' of even larger and less comprehensive classes of illegal aliens, which would frustrate the efforts of a future administration of America First to enforce US immigration law and remove illegal aliens from the country.” he said

It is not clear what effect this measure could have on the upcoming elections in November.

Polls have shown Biden deeply out of step with voters on the issue of the crisis on the southern border.

However, his campaign can hope that a parole extension will help him in key states like Arizona and Nevada.

READ MORE – Democratic strategist James Carville admits disappointment that Biden is running for re-election


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