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Biden awards $20 million for AI solutions that protect US code

In an attempt to strengthen protection of America’s crucial computer code, President Biden is introducing an initiative that offers substantial monetary rewards totaling nearly $20 million to pioneering AI teams. This innovation-driven effort, called the AI ​​Cyber ​​​​Challenge, arises as a direct response to the growing need to safeguard computer code in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

The White House, in its latest step to encourage responsible technological advancement, is stressing the urgency of improving the security of computer code, a primary concern in the field of cybersecurity. Aiming to catalyze new solutions, the administration has unveiled the AI ​​Cyber ​​​​Challenge, an ambitious two-year competition that invites creative minds to revolutionize the status quo.

Guided by the expertise of Anthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI, valued partners collaborating with the White House on AI policy, competitors are poised to benefit from cutting-edge technology resources. These four leading entities, in line with the White House mission, have endorsed a set of voluntary AI principles. In a synchronized effort, they will expand access to their technological capabilities, empowering competitors to meet the challenging demands of the challenge.

The stage is set for AI development teams to demonstrate the capabilities of their AI-powered tools. Their challenge is to secure the code that underpins vital elements of the Internet and other critical infrastructure. As the competition unfolds, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency will evaluate the innovative solutions early next year. The pinnacle of this journey will be reached at the DEF CON 2024 cybersecurity conference, where the top 20 teams will compete for supremacy. Subsequently, the top five teams will not only earn substantial monetary rewards, but also advance to the final round of DEF CON 2025.

The White House underscores the global importance of this effort, stating that the major competitors are destined to leave an indelible impact on cybersecurity for both the United States and the world. In accordance with this mission, the Open Source Security Foundation, led by the Linux Foundation, will serve as a challenge advisor. This partnership aims to ensure the rapid integration of winning software code into real-world applications, thereby strengthening the security of America’s most vital software.

This initiative reflects the Biden administration’s strong commitment to shaping the trajectory of AI technology. A landmark achievement in this regard was the securing of agreements with seven prominent AI developers in July, with the aim of establishing guidelines for AI that are not only innovative but also uphold security principles, security and transparency. As the wheels of progress continue to turn, the White House is announcing the start of an independent evaluation of large AI-powered language models this week. In addition, he is actively working on an executive order on AI while advocating for legislative measures in Congress to govern AI development.

While comprehensive AI regulatory legislation has yet to materialize in Congress, the determined efforts of key figures such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer continue to drive the discourse. Schumer’s commitment to host hearings next fall underscores the administration’s dedication to carving out a robust AI bill, ensuring the technology landscape evolves with a balance of innovation and security.


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