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ATF director grilled by Chip Roy, Massie makes an impressive entrance [VIDEOS]

ATF director grilled by Chip Roy, Massie makes an impressive entrance [VIDEOS]

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steve Dettelbach faced a series of tough questions from Republican Representative Chip Roy during a House Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday. The hearing, titled “Oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,” focused on a major background check rule announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland on April 10.

At the center of the questioning was the requirement for individuals to obtain a Federal Firearms License (FFL) before selling firearms. Deputy Roy asked Director Dettelbach about the specifics of the rule and how many firearms would trigger the need for a license. He presented a scenario where a Texas gun owner wanted to sell a firearm to a fellow Texan. Roy posed the question, “Do I need a license?”

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Director Dettelbach was initially hesitant, mentioning that the matter was currently in litigation. However, MP Roy insisted on receiving a clear answer. Dettelbach finally clarified that if the sale was isolated and the person involved was not in the firearms business, no license would be required.

Deputy Roy continued to seek further clarification, presenting hypothetical situations involving occasional sales of firearms. Director Dettelbach referred to the totality of the circumstances and the specific language used by Congress to address these scenarios. He mentioned that inheritance, for example, was not considered to be engaged in business and therefore did not require a license.

Despite Dettelbach's attempts to explain the rules and considerations, Rep. Roy expressed his frustration on behalf of ordinary citizens who may have difficulty navigating the complex regulations. He noted that with so much ambiguity, it was challenging for people to know definitively whether they needed a license when selling one, two, three or five firearms.

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The exchange between Rep. Chip Roy and Director Steve Dettelbach underscores the importance of clear communication and transparency in firearms regulations. The hearing shed light on the challenges that average citizens face in understanding their rights and responsibilities under the law, especially when dealing with firearms transactions.

In another remarkable exchange with ATF Director Dettelbach, Thomas Massie got him to confess an incredible admission about the so-called “gun show loophole” that could have implications in the The Biden regime's attempt to shut it down. I will see:

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