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Arizona judge rules against Kari Lake: multiple mistakes and electoral errors at the same time, but no irrefutable proof of intent

Yes, Judge Peter A Thompson has ruled from Arizona’s Maricopa Superior Court, that the success of Ms. Kari Lake’s lawsuit depended on her being able to prove malicious intent on behalf of the country’s election officials. [Read 10-page Ruling HERE]

Maricopa County officials have denied malicious intent and are being given a large benefit of the doubt; after all, the electoral result was duly certified.

Therefore, in the absence of direct evidence of corrupt intent on the part of election officials, which would compel them to make admissions in court, any certified result is considered valid.

Additionally, there were multiple documented problems with ballots, tabulators, and chain of custody violations; and yes, there were multiple simultaneous errors that would have prevented accurate voting by Arizona residents; however, the Lake campaign was unable to quantify with demonstrable certainty the exact number of votes affected by the simultaneous breakdown of voting systems, processes and vote control standards.

Absent Ms. Lakes’ ability to scientifically and empirically quantify the exact number of votes affected, there is no basis for judgment in plaintiff’s favor.

Finally, the defendant has requested that Ms. Lake be sanctioned by the court for attempting to challenge the certification of the election as validated by her opponent, the court will consider what sanction to impose and pronounce the sanctions as of Monday, December 26, 2022 .

“The plaintiff has no autonomous right to challenge the results of the election based on what he believes, rightly or wrongly, went wrong on Election Day. He must show, by law, a reason that the legislature has provided as a basis for contesting an election.

“[O]Anyone contesting an election assumes the burden of proving that their case is included in the terms of the statute that provides for electoral contests.” … “It was the plaintiff’s burden to establish each element by clear and convincing evidence. If the plaintiff herself has not been able to maintain her burden of proof, the matter is decided. …

“As to evidence of misconduct, the Court finds nothing to support Plaintiff’s claim of intentional misconduct.” … “Plaintiff’s own witness testified before this Court that the BOD printer failures were largely the result of unforeseen mechanical failure.” …

“It should be mentioned that the poll workers themselves were testified by both the plaintiff’s witnesses and the defendants’ witnesses as dedicated to performing their role with integrity. Not perfectly, as no system on earth is perfect, but more than enough to abide by the law and conduct valid elections.” (LINK)


The court will now determine what punishment to apply to Ms. Kari Lake.


Published in 1st Amendment, Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Decepticons, Deep State, 2022 Election, Legislation, Media Bias, Notorious Liars, Professional Idiots, Propaganda, Uncategorized

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