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AOC disengages after SCOTUS rulings: Threatens Chief Justice Roberts, wants to remove Clarence Thomas

AOC disengages after SCOTUS rulings: Threatens Chief Justice Roberts, wants to remove Clarence Thomas

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t react well to recent Supreme Court rulings that banned “affirmative action” at universities, upheld Christians’ freedom of conscience rights and struck down the order as unconstitutional of President Joe Biden’s student loan “forgiveness.”

On Sunday, he appeared on CNN with Dana Bash and offered a litany of allegations about the court and the machinations of Democrats to get conservatives to disagree outside the court.

“First, we have a Senate Judiciary Committee that is beginning the process of investigating the entanglements and conflicts of interest,” he said. “A week or two before the student loan decision, the country learned that Justice Samuel Alito was accepting gifts from billionaires who lobbied against the Supreme Court … or who lobbied the Supreme Court against student loan forgiveness “.

“It was just, you know, a few weeks before we knew it, that I was accepting gifts from them and trips and vacations from them before they decided to vote and govern for them,” he continued. “And so I think if Justice, if Chief Justice Roberts doesn’t come before Congress for a voluntary investigation, I think we should consider subpoenas, we should consider investigations.”

“We need to pass, pass much more binding and strict ethics guidelines … where we see that members of the Supreme Court can break the law. As we saw in the refusal, you know, with Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from cases that implicated his wife on January 6th, impeachment must also be on the table.

“We have a broad level of tools to deal with misconduct, overreach and abuse of power,” he continued. “And the Supreme Court has not been receiving the proper oversight necessary to preserve its own legitimacy. And in the process, they themselves have been destroying the legitimacy of the court, which is deeply dangerous for our entire democracy.”

If there is anything that is undemocratic and an abuse of power, it is the “Democrats” who seek to pack the Supreme Court or remove justices for the alleged violation of disagreeing with them.


Biden announces plan to appeal Supreme Court after student loan forgiveness ruling

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